Happy birth of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, the Messiah, Our Lord.

1  2018-12-25 by bobodid911


The one true Goy. Amen.

That’s not a pic of Opie

I'm from the Church of Mel Gibson

He's Catholic -- though of an odd Sedevacantist variety.

Praise his name on this holiest of days!

Jesus was a sand nigger

Pff ...thinking that OUR LORD has human DNA.

I swear ...people today are incapable of thinking rationally

Sand niggers aren't human

And also a faggot with his "love everybody" nonsense. Oh yeah, faggot, real easy for you to cut through all the predators and vultures and shit in the world considering who your dad was. Stupid ass queer.

Dude, don't call Jesus a faggot on Christmas.

Jesus is a faggot.

He had 12 boyfriends who followed him around to suck his dick .

This will go over well with him, I’m sure.

Holy FUUUUUCCKKK this kid is edgy!! Taking on JC? That's some ballZ

Why would it be? He's the weakest limpest willow leaf imaginable.

Why should someone get a pass just because it's their birthday? Is Amy Schumer only a cunt 364 days a year you stupid shit.

I think that's just Kike propaganda.

You're probably right.

I'm sure a guy from ancient Jerusalem had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Of course the son of God is going to have pure aryan blood. Think anyone would follow and devote themselves to a mongrel?



Nice savior, stupid.

My favorite fictional character,

Right next to The Predator

Anthony Cumia is very real

He coulda been a model.

Where's the opes face

The jews really screwed him over, didn't they?

I like Messiahs who weren't captured and crucified.

I could swear you were going for a McCain joke. But Jesus could at least get his arms past half mast.

Muhammed died of a fever

Jesus is just alright with me.

allahu akbar

The Jews killed Jesus and never apologized.

Merry Christmas ya filthy faggot

Very accurate depiction, I love it.

Very Aryan, love it.

Thank you for dying for my soul based Jesus

Happy birthday to the original bruthaman


Jesus could use some tums.

Jesus was black, wrong picture

That don't look nothin like a Ethiopian Jew,come on man.

Good guy Jesus.

Why does he look loke a queer in that picture?

He looks strikingly simialar to Gregg ‘Opie’ Hughes

Didn’t know Christ was Nordic.

You're probably right.

I'm sure a guy from ancient Jerusalem had blonde hair and blue eyes.