Good riddance Vos

1  2018-12-24 by ShitDickery


How's this jew rat got a pass for so long I'll never know.

Because he's funny as fuck on O&A. Tragedy what he is now, but he was great for years.

Revisionist Opie ballwashers inbound

I think you're confusing the Brotherman with another man 😎


The Colin quinn VS Vos compilations are masterpieces

Nah, he's still funny, he just takes more shit from his far less talented wife than he should.

Oh boy...

Oh Goy

He's as much a cuck as Burr is, but without the success.

I hate to defend him but I listen to the Vos Family Podcast series. Vos is Dumb and gets confused; Burr willingly indulges in Faggotry and Cuckdom. Bonnie is a neurotic woman who travels without her husband into the deep abyss of Canada at Christmas and watched John Wayne spanking a woman on last years trip. Rich and Bonnie deserve our sympathy not our scorn.

While I would rather have all my teeth pulled out than sit through that, I would pay good money to listen to Vos's retelling of it.

Itsch all down tah tahschik mashculinity, ohkay?

Betsy goes to these for comfort because they tell her that he failure as a comic is down to oppression and hierarchies. Victimhood culture is very enticing.

jews have it really rough in america, goy

Kikes are NOT White they are a "distinct" race of goblins

No argument here, pal

hannah fagsby


He's like a 1938 Jew hanging out with pro-Nazi party folk.

heresh da fing, I lent Hermann 20 reichsmarks and he's dodgin me!

A real paux fas.

Have rich retell what he remembers?

He's an ex-crackhead. He has no memory besides how to cook cocaine and baking soda in a microwave.

See one Cumia, Joe.

Jesus christ Vos...


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Annie Lederman is a condescending cunt.

Annie Lederman is a condescending cunt.

She looks like a white trash titless version of Scarlett Johansson and its oddly hot.

Thanks for stealing my post from months ago, ya queer.

His is better.

Sound like a whiny Newfag here

Louie beans

Hannah Gadsby has a documentary on Netflix called Nanette. He grew up in Tasmania, got raped 3 times, and finally reaches his proym. It's like "Chopper" meets "Rocky". Check it out's all based on a true story from what Ive heard.

Actually sounds funny when you put it like that

"hat trick of pussy invasion" - Anthony ball washer

Coincidentally, anyone who hears her act will want to give their ears the Chopper treatment.

Oh, Rich...

His wife has successfully wired into his brain.. probably not very complex of a job.

Listen,then blowjob.Poor bastard.

Send the coordinates to ISIS

Remember the days whan someone like Hannah fatass was ridiculed on the show? What the fuck happened??

I hate to defend him but I listen to the Vos Family Podcast series. Vos is Dumb and gets confused; Burr willingly indulges in Faggotry and Cuckdom. Bonnie is a neurotic woman who travels without her husband into the deep abyss of Canada at Christmas and watched John Wayne spanking a woman on last years trip. Rich and Bonnie deserve our sympathy not our scorn.