tfw Relatives are asking if you've had a productive year during holiday gatherings

1  2018-12-24 by Ilovemesomereddit123


It’s important to remember that Joe is an absolute failure. He has truly accomplished nothing with his life, and has never ventured to improve himself or his surroundings through any kind of personal growth.

And spends his days criticizing others for their personal failures.

Or how he brags about sticking it to entry level counter people

To be fair all of those things describe me too but at least I have no problem whatsoever denying pedophilia accusations

What a slackjawed boob

I know I’m probably not the first to make this observation but he looks like the Australian sheep dog with Vietnam flashbacks

"So so so so so so so so you think I'm not productive because I spend all day on social media owning libtards?!"

This applies to me as well as Bro Joe

Christmas is about drunk jesus not productivity.

But fuck Joe.

He neglected his kids and didn’t make more than $6,000 but he OWNED 355,000 LIBTARDS online.

Did you see my sweet pirate fag earrings when I definitively put down the pederesty allegations? That was pretty sweet, huh?