Faggot and Slut

1  2018-12-24 by RelevantField


I shall adopt one for my deep fryer.

He looks weird skinny

Now he just looks like Al Borlands zany cousin

Weird texture on his neck skin

why do you think he's next to the turkey

yea, I saw a turkey like hug a guy once, it was surprisingly sweet. most wild birds are assholes. like Geese. I wouldn't eat a wild goose, but i'd shoot the motherfucker, just cause they are dicks.

Kevin Smith doesn't want to eat turkey anymore because he's turning into one. But sheeerishly folksh, these "green friendly" urbanites make me sick. Turkeys are assholes

I've had a wild turkey pop out of a bush then rush me. If they don't want to get eaten they should smarten up

What’s up with his outfit? Looks like he should be on People’s Court.

I wish those birds would pluck the eyes out of them faggots.