"Hey Nia, take a look at this job application."

1  2018-12-24 by GorramTimebomb


Is that Larry

sorry, but this lady is nowhere near ugly enough to be compared to Nia

She's also a decent sideline reporter. Nia is just a lazy nigcompoop

Honestly, her face before she smells the salts is much more terrifying than after.

What is that?

smelling salts. smells like death, opens up your lungs and spikes adrenaline.

It can even bring someone who got knocked out back to consciousness. Does some weird shit to the brain. I’m not going to pretend to know.

It mainly just smells like cat piss. I think the waking up part is so you don’t suffocate in noxious gases.

It's basically ammonia, hence the cat piss smell.

Bitches need a ob application to be a crack whore? Fucking socialists.