Joseph Cumia is, without exaggeration, the worst human being ever.

1  2018-12-24 by TranthonyRapesKids

The fact that he is a gay racist pedophile who trashed his own dead mother for having different political views is only the beginning.


He trashed her the day she died, no less.

Despite the fact that my mother had sympathy for the less fortunate, she was still a decent person.

A wealthy, successful remora like myself holds nothing but contempt for workers.

There are gods and regular ass dudes that are historic people for being lazy, but not even the Blacks would big up Joe to God status... sorry Joe Tha God status

He’s barely even people

the fact that hes black is like the fifth thing wrong with him

And he can still enter contracts. What a world.

Can we just skip to the end?

At least Stalin was intelligent.