The way Joe Cumia said "I will buy you STARBUCKS just have a five minute conversation with me!"

1  2018-12-24 by Mcchisell

It's like he thinks Starbucks is the ultimate negotiation tool that everyone is craving. Projecting retard.


Only time I have been to Starbucks in the last 5 years was when I got a gift card for doing something stupid at work a while ago. It sucks and it’s overpriced. A black college gay with blue dyed hair made my coffee.

I hope he wore gloves

I'm afraid he didn't and now he's caught nigger

Hearts thoughts and prayers

Kisses and cookies.

I hate coffee in general. It gives me the shits. That'd definitely be a "I'm not interested, sir" from me, dawg.

I get my caffiene from Monster and Honest Tea. Coffee makes your breath snell like you’ve been felching butt sludge at Big Apple Ranch.

I bet Big Jay drinks a ton of Monsters.

He thinks "latte liberals" and bellowing lard-dykes with EAT WHITE FETUS signs shop at the same stores.

I'll offer them their finest nectar!

I'd order a nice hot cup o' joe then throw it in his stupid face.

Joe was not going to pay for that cup of coffee

I’m surprised how little people here made fun of the way he said “or ya gonna b’lieve her”, he just looked so stupid

“My brother will buy you Starbucks”

I hope he wore gloves