Here's the full Brother Joe people's court episode. I've seen some people on here asking for it.

1  2018-12-24 by JebKush666


Love seeing this smug asshole getting a beat down over and over again. Thanks.

Humongous raaacist

Thanks for this...

Kuhn is a legend for bringing this about. God damn.

That really did raise him to God-tier status in this sub. Then he sacrificed his only begotten son for our amusement.

Best bit ever

That crooked nose half-caste was certainly dedicated to his craft.

"Look, I didn't even want to bring this up..."

Came prepared with printouts of Twitter posts, completely ready to bring it up.

He thinks about this place every day, and has for years.

He's obsessed.

No effect.

It's the only place on earth (including his own home) where he is relevant in any way.

Joe clearly thinks being a caterer in the 1980s peacetime US army is his life's greatest achievement (otherwise why would he ever mention it - it's an embarrassing stretch to call it "serving" your country - unless he's being literal.) But being a laughing stock of this place is truly his life's work. I for one enjoy chuckling over his idiocy while taking my morning shit.

I'm doing that right now.

Wash your hands you dirty bastard

it's an embarrassing stretch to call it "serving" your country - unless he's being literal.

This made me laugh really hard.

He wanted to talk about im-jur, hoping there’d be no follow up.

I clearly remember the joy this brought me the first time I saw it. I can't remember laughing as hard at anything since seeing Dumb and Dumber as a 13 year old kid.

that edit of him namedropping the sub to the apollo landing footage

This was broadcast when it premiered on the SNN Youtube channel and holy shit, it was a celebration.

It was our Apollo 11 moment.

Just when I thought Joe couldn't possibly be any dumber, he went and did something like this... and completely didn't redeem himself

It bothers me that he can get 2300 a show. I know great musicians that are getting 400 total for their gigs and they are much more tall than Joe.

He has to split that with at least 3 other adults.

Yeah they do too. I don’t get it.

"The comments came from someone else, they are pure fabrication."

Goes ahead and tweets out:

"Put him down like a rabid animal. I'd call him a nigger but that would be an insult to niggers everywhere."

you ok there guy?

My favorite part is when the Judge doesn’t believe him when he says Reddit targets him because of his brother. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I believe the Judge says that sounds “far fetched.”

It’s the only time he’s telling the truth and she scoffs at him. Poetry.

No normal, functioning member of society can possibly conceive the existence of a internet forum where fans of a defunct, moderately popular radio show continually harass it's former hosts and their families. It is incredulous to normal people. This is why Joe awkwardly presenting this on People's Court in hopes of garnering sympathy is easily the funniest and most validating thing that has ever happened in this sub.

I FUCKING DIED LAUGHING. I thought that amazing edit on youtube was the only place that happened.

my favorite part is when she's talking about why anthony got fired. she lists all the things people accused him of being and then says "basically everything you said except pedophile."

Did the Khumiya cell have the Apollo 13 video taken down?

Nice. The tweet screenshots right before he lies about them is a nice touch.

Looking forward to the one of him vs BeigeFrequency

we have it here too:

Ahh sheeit, I didn't know that. I've never looked at his awful website lol

It's the worst brothaman , some good items for sale though you wanna have a browse through .

First time seeing this, who did he call Harumbey?

Best bit ever