Anyone up for some old fashioned Pesting?

1  2018-12-24 by bigscotswill

Check this article this shit dick reported as news....7 years after the event

Now I KNNNNNOW you guys are busy going after Ant, Jimmy, Sam,Opie....Hell at this point I'd bet Intern DAVID woud be up for an attack.

But this is one i feel needs special attention. TBH i dont get the drama about Louis, he jerked off in a hotel room in front of some girls. Bill Cosby drugged and raped bitches.But because of the whole "contreversy" , this SHITDICK drags something from years ago, a non story to keep Louis from getting back in the game.


So, this Michael Nordine, @slowbeard

Give em hell? Maybe?

Its up to youguys,

Have at it you sick deviant fucks.


Not your personal army, faggot.

fair enough, shitdick

Its a mass of semi sociopathic deviants who are machine gunners spinning in circles taking out friends and enemies alike....


Jesus Christ is there anyone you DON'T Hate?



I’m not taking orders from a douche that uses “pest” as a verb.

Like your cunting mothers cunt?

Yeah like that.

I had a Newman’s Own frozen pizza for dinner. It wasn’t too bad. The price is reasonable for what it is. Got the pepperoni.

how was the sauce?

Good. Kinda zesty

he makes good stuff.

Hippie Liberal non-profit bullshit

Louis is done and Jim is relishing it.

All the comments are already shit talking the article. The only people bitching about this are retarded leftists, jew journalists and dumb blacks on twitter.

Why does this sound like a Jepordy Question...lemme guess,people NOT on Hitlers Christmas list?