Coming Soon

1  2018-12-24 by SpudsCuckley


Why do these include Patrice? Was he there during this? Maybe he was silenced...

He’s just taking back one of the many roles Craig Robinson took from him.

He gang raped a bitch. Caught a felony for it

Nice. I respect your rhyme scheme.

Bobo's dumbass sister has a face worth punching.


You would need a hot tub time machine to go back to when Bobo's sister was still a teenager.

This didn’t happen last week.

Can someone elaborate on the hot tub story to me?

Ant "allegedly" fingered Bobo's 14yo sister in his jacuzzi.

Jesus, who alleged this?

The one and only Daniel Ben Dovid

Oof. This is painful. And you lot dare insult Chip?

Wait.... You genuinely laugh at Chip?


I'm sorry, is Chip not refined and high brow enough for you?

Faggot Bobo with his “duhhhh what, i dunno what’s happening im dot louying” fave pisses me off.. i wish his mom would step in and pull him away from this shit.. bobo’s mom sucks ass

Mr. Maloonigans is a Schnoodle

Mr. Malonagens*

Nice multi

Maybe hot tub crime scene but silent scream? Boo nigga

hot tub crime scene? do you even know what a multisyllabic is? lmaaaao BOO NIGGUH

Jesus, who alleged this?
