Nice leap in logic, stupid.

1  2018-12-23 by NeerDoWell19


Option 2 sounds a bit autobiographical, Joe.

This faggot loves to flip flop

Will he make an honest woman out of Henchcliffe & gay marry him?

Is that guy still denying his blatant homosexuality while continuing to sound like a blatant homosexual?

What kind of delusional mind would think that this was either funny or profound? Because Rogan definitely thought it was both.

Nice idiotic quote attributed to your name for all of time, stupid.

Also, that picture forever attributed to “dicks are delicious.”

Ol Projectin' Joe

Maybe you just think degeneracy shouldn’t be normalized. I’m not even religious and take issue with it.

So does option 1 mean he’s admitting to hating gay marriage?

What if I don’t like gay marriage because it is derivative of gays who creep me out and spread disease, Joe?

He speaks like a man of experience and higher stock.

Well then he meets all the criteria listed.

"I will stand up for gay people by accusing their haters that they are secretly gay because we all know how horrible and terrible it is to be gay"

All jokes aside though, they are pretty terrible.

I don’t understand why people are anti gay marriage

seems like it promotes capitalism

Or it’s because we continue to dilute social norms for the sake of “inclusion”.

"Dicks are delicious" - Joe Rogan

A picture of joe when he still looked like a human being.

I secretly wonder how delicious it would be to take a splitting maul to that sweaty idiot’s head.

JR, how dumb people think smart people pontificate. Let's not forget this guy was a MC for eating contests on tv.

Also, that picture forever attributed to “dicks are delicious.”