Stupid cunt Kathy Griffin making the Chris Rock Louis CK Nigger controversy about herself.

1  2018-12-23 by DianaKurlan55


At what point did every single entertainer and journalist on the planet earth become a gigantic fucking faggot?

Even the gentiles!

Everybody on social media turned into pussies after occupy Wall Street, and trump has fully broken their lizard brains since then.

It started around 2014, when social media really made hard landfall. People like Kathy realized all they had to do was play some sort of victim card in order to stay relevant, as one of many options available aside from "talent" or actual work.

The internet was better when it was the Wild West and you could say just about whatever you wanted and not worry about corporations sterlising it for advertisers

And jigs didn’t have access because Obama hadn’t handed out free phones yet.

She is not a funny person so she has to do this shit to maintain what little relevance she ever had. Quick give me your favorite Kathy Griffin bit, I'm waiting...

the one where i hadn't seen a picture of her for a half decade then i see her and she looks like a terror from beyond.

unforgettable unfortunately

Did you not see her HBO special "Jerry Seinfeld is the Devil"?

She crushed it

The one where she told a story about her watching a much more famous celebrity at a party do something completely normal and she acted like it was the craziest thing she's ever seen.

Whats an aziz?


Way to run with the joke, stupid.

What joke?

I prefer the Krogans.

this is so stupid made me lofff to tears

Indian for street shitter

That fella holding the mirror in "The Fifth Element".



exactly. with all her feminist horseshit, all of her comedy heroes and influences were men. when she watches comedy at home, it's always males. when she quotes other comics, they're always male. this "women are funny too" shit is just another SJW hashtag. most female comics are neurotic, boring, self obsessed, pain in the ass activists, who've never made a single person laugh. and all the tweets in the world aint gonna change it.

thats pretty accurate women are only funny when they're tearing down other women. they can go a full hour on the faults one individual woman has. why do you think Joan Rivers was so good, she basically did Don Rickles but for cunts.

The one where she was whining on air and Artie started snoring WHEEEEEEEEEEEEZE

Excuse me but her husband leaving her on the first season of her show was a great bit.

Comedians are fucking faggots that sell each other out to stay relevant. Kathy Griffin is the female Jim Norton. She'll cry wolf and make everything about herself, but no one gives a fuck.

And they’re both celebrity obsessed narcissists


Wot? Afeeist niggers? AAAAHHAAAAAHAHAHA

I just want to say I hope she dies on purpose

I was wondering what Kathy Griffin and Jemele Hill were thinking. It's always interesting to hear from two people who committed career suicide. I know, I know, it was MY VAGINA that killed your careers, not your lack of talent.

Damn bro. That was vicious. In a passive aggressive way

This is sooooooo fucking old. I never get behind the death wishes on this sub, but for Kathy I’ll make an exception.

If these were female comics, well...

Wait, is she saying that women would've brought the joke to a screeching halt to act as a moral authority and try to censor people making the entire situation awkward and unfunny?

I can't imagine that ever happening, women are so naturally hilarious and easy going.

What controversy? This was put on TV? Ricky Gervais promoted this on the Daily show.

"A) Hold on. I have something to say here..."



trust me, I ain't invited to join this club

Your net worth is $20 million dollars Kathy. You are not the 1%, not even the 0.1%, you are the of the 0.01% richest motherfuckers in the world.

You've found ridiculous success yet all you can do is play the victim and cry about how your enormous wealth simply isn't enough. Do you have any idea how that comes across to regular folks, living paycheck to paycheck? Why some blue collar schmuck from Alabama thinks you're a pampered cunt as he takes out a second mortgage on his shitty Alabama home?

It’s hilarious how the 1% is just people who make over 500k a year. You got all these Hollywood people trying to act like they’re not 1%ers but if you ask me it’s way worse that you’re making as much as a CEO for a glorified high school play.

Actuall, I think $500K might be net worth and not salary. A $500K salary probably puts you in the top .05%

That's US.

Worldwide, US$30k puts you in the top 1% of earners.

So what's your point? That people in america are richer than mud hut people or that people in show business are richer than average people? These talking points are stupid.

My point is that people carefully draw the line to exclude themselves, stupid.


0.01% richest motherfuckers in the world.

to be fair, a child that finds $20 on the ground is in the 1% of the richest motherfuckers in the world.

also for white people in LA 20 million net worth puts you in the 10%

To think Fred Stoller pitty-fucked her...

"I'm wet"

Poor Louie. He was just starting to come back

What the fuck is her point supposed to be? That female comedians aren't allowed to talk like this, or she's pissed because these guys won't be her friend? Why did she have to throw in at the end that she doesn't use an opener and writes her own material? Maybe she should try getting someone funny to write for her, then maybe she could focus on a comedy career instead of being a professional SJW that nobody likes.

I want Kathy Griffin tortured by Isis.

So do they.

For a profession that’s not supposed to be taken seriously, they sure love to take themselves seriously.

"Stupid cunt"...redundant.

Jemele Hill must be related to Nia Renee Hill, both are insufferable nonsense generators.

& I don’t need an opener

I feel sorry for those fans who have to sit through two hours straight of Kathy Griffin. Even good comedians get old after an hour, who does she think she’s impressing by bragging about not using an opener??

I'll give her a buck fitty to see her cunt.

How about a buck o'five?

Jemele Hill is an annoyance and that is why she is off of sports TV

Like anyone is going to remember the time a couple of people talked about a 7year Old HBO clip on Twitter 3 days from now

That is what women do.

Every one of the people she’s shitting on has defended or would defend her if she got jammed up.

The thing of it is, the people she thinks she’s pandering too would be neutralized by a Kathy Griffin defending her contemporaries. At worst, they’d be made for an extra 36 hours then it would all blow over.

I'm all in with the SJW hate but honestly who fucking cares? Why does this even bother you? So easy to ignore

Why would I want to ignore an opportunity to make fun of this stupid bitch.

I’m starting to think Kathy is exactly like her Seinfeld character in real life.

Shes a cunt.

Soon comedians will be a thing of the past, like newspaper boys, silver dollars and iceboxes. Every "comedy" show will feature some damaged waddling unfunny dyke complaining about what "men" did to her. Aging millennials will sit there anxiously with their vape pens, scouring the monologue for potential "triggers". Luckily I'll probably either be dead or way too out of it to care.

Kathy would be funnier if she dropped more N bombs

I hate this fucking crow, retire or die just get the fuck out of my face

Give it time. They'll be after her too.

If youre making a joke and other grown ass adults paid to come see you, you can say whatever the hell you want. Comedians having to be careful what the say less they offend someone is one of the most painful things to witness.

Everybody on social media turned into pussies after occupy Wall Street, and trump has fully broken their lizard brains since then.

It started around 2014, when social media really made hard landfall. People like Kathy realized all they had to do was play some sort of victim card in order to stay relevant, as one of many options available aside from "talent" or actual work.

Why would I want to ignore an opportunity to make fun of this stupid bitch.