Anthony's response to Opie has 1 comment and 2 likes after 80 minutes

1  2018-12-23 by frunkiz482

Sounds like obscurity to me.


I'm pretty sure Anthony doesn't exist outside of this internet forum's posts about him. God forbid he puts one free weekly episode of his show on his youtube channel or some form of self-promotion.

Him and Keith are impossibly stupid. But it is funny to watch him lose all his money while bragging about only working 2 hours a day.

Why the fuck do you even want this? His show sucks, and I wouldn't watch it if it was free. It's the height of hypocrisy to complain about how shitty his show is while at the same time bitching that he doesn't release much free content. The only moderately entertaining parts of the show have been greggshells and a few meltdowns, like the "got lost" Ronnie B. clip. Everything worthwhile gets posted publicly anyway.

I bet the reason he doesn't release more content for free is because he's (rightly) embarrassed by it. Let him wallow in obscurity. Fuck him, and fuck all of you who keep begging for free episodes. Opie was wrong. He's not human garbage, he's subhuman garbage.

Well it would be free material for us. More of a reason for him not to do it but a reason for us to hope

I would never watch his show I was just saying it's a dumb business decision.

what response?


How public Facebook page
