Hello I'm here from the GAMER subreddit

1  2018-12-23 by oanda333


Mods, please take down my picture

PatBattle looking great after the gastric

He's taking a break from posting beefers to chat about rdr2

Sick Zubaz.

Is he dead?

Those fags wish they were this alpha.

Is he wearing two jackets and no shirt?

Wrong, I lift weights too faggot.my wii fit weights 💪

They really are the worst consumerist pigs. Those faggots get angry when you say something negative about the PS4.

Too many dilaudid?

Well. The comments on Ants desk being too low and him needing a better chair because of posture were pretty entertaining. I guess.

Artie’s showing signs of improvement.

I like how everyone believed he was 65