Hoping to get into talk radio

1  2018-12-23 by zerosumhedging

I never listened to it personally because im not a loser except for once cuz lexus gave it for free for a year when u buy a car but i digress. Its crazy radio reaches many demographics. Im very good look amd talented at sotry telling. Additionally i abuse substances due to anxiety and deep rooted hatred of my history and self. Nonetheless i really think i can excel in this career. What should i do?


Didn’t expect an honest answer but that’s actually really solid and helpful advice.

intern for Jim and Sam.

You should put on a lot of makeup, not wear a bra, and seduce Jim Norton until he gets you that talk radio gig. Go get 'em, sweetie!

You would be funnier if you were killed in a train accident.

Mid 20s looking for radio work. Serious replies only. Radio reaches the truck driver to the physician its so cool.

I have some limited knowledge on this. I work at a tiny small town radio station for extra money mostly doing audio production and cohost a weekend morning show. I am under 30 and didn’t go to school for broadcasting but as I understand there’s really not much demand for talent in radio or money like their was even 10-15 years ago. Just do a podcast and if it’s interesting people will listen to it and if it’s not that you know you suck and should do something else.
