Gregg claims Vos is not friends with Norton, does Ant's show because he's afraid of his fans.

1  2018-12-23 by JimNortonsSobriety


Opie’s Twitter is a verbal nuclear bombing causing mass destruction on these faggots right now.

Weapons of mass destruction located. Hughes residence. Mission accomplished

He’s so full of shit

No, you.

You spelled 'magic' wrong

Who hurt you?


Gold please.

Not surprised at all. How could anyone actually be friends with Norton?

I want a murder suicide so much once Jim realizes Sam fucking hates him and sociopathic Sam had him completely fooled.

Jim is another stepping stone for Sam to get his own show, which is what Sam has been working toward by cozying up to SXM at every turn.

The Vos thing is true. I don't remember the link but recently Vos said he thinks Jim schemed his way into getting a show with Sam. Interview at some comedy club. I think he's pissed he wasn't asked to be Jim's co-host.

I'm just glad the Opester is trying to tell him to go back to what he used to be. Vos used to be one of funniest fucking people in the county. He got lost somewhere along the way

Guess i forgot to laugh


I can’t tell if you mistyped country or if you really meant county.

Funniest guy in Suffolk.

Vos is cool and all but he's not funny

Okay Mr Carlin

He's not cool at all but he can be funny.

“You’re good at one thing and it’s being funny why do you have to ruin it by trying to be smart.” Colin to Vos

Which way was that /u/TheDirtyWolfman?

Just saying, the show would be 50% less shitty with Vos instead of Samagnon.

He didn't claim anything, he informed you.

If "Ant's fans" attack our sweet Rich Vos, this sub will retaliate. And yes this is a written threat #OpieArmy

Vos sucks


Jew lover

You caught me

Rich Vos. Legend.

Vos is a dim-witted weasel. He chose Opie when the split happened because he was the only one at that point who thought Opie was gonna win the power struggle. Then he scurried back when it was clear that Jim was gonna win. A career filled with awful business decisions.

Which is surprising for a jew

To be fair, Vos is a Jew.

He's not friends with anybody and bitches about everybody like, well an old Jew.

But, Norton is not a Jew and it's the same shit so wtf do I know.

Exactly. If a Jew ain’t kvetching, he’s sleeping.

even when they sleep they're irritating

Ant’s fans? Someone should tweet Vos the video from the book signing.

S s s so so so you think that because a man loves Hitler, he doesn't like Jews??

Someone should ask for his opinion on only 4 people showing up to Ant's book signing.

Vos values friendships in his own unique way. He has some old Zippo lighters in a safety deposit box and Bonnie has been given instructions on who they go to. I'm sure Opie isn't one of them. My question for you folk is would anyone of these comedians do anything except laugh at him about these sad sad "heirlooms"? Sociopaths have no Friends, just victims.

idgi, who is “him” and “his fans?” Jimmy’s? Anthony’s?

Why would Vos be afraid of anyone’s fans?

Opie, don't stop Brothaman!!!! You're giving us more than Ant's shitty book!!! I'm edging harder than Jim Norton (dry drunk)!!!

ah the delusional pedophile sputtering nonsense trying to get people to listen, this really warms my soul. havent seen a mental breakdown this great in a while. HA!

also, opie is an active pedophile.

A compound party is one length of rope away from a lynch mob. The saddest, angriest, drunkest bunch of losers.