Reminder: Joe calls his townhouse Compound East

1  2018-12-22 by crookedmile


This has DO NOT PHOTOSHOP written all over it.

“Compound East”. Does this dolt have any identity outside of his little brother? Fucking embarrassing.

Joe stated there's such little quality time these days. Is he implying that he is actually BUSY? Playing pretend rocker to 15 people at a South shore dive isn't time consuming you dolt.

I’m jealous, wish I could have gone...

Probably because Anthony paid for the place

Is it possible to crowdfund an ICBM?

Nice camo do-rag, faggot

How long into the party before Joe's favorite subjects(race,knock off guitar, loop pedal, libtard, etc, etc, etc) came up to add to the festive spirit of the holidays?

His lovers call his asshole “gaypound yeast”

Compound East. A shitty Long Island ranch house.

He wishes it were a ranch house. It's a shitty little condominium.

All 1500 square feet of it

What a lovely underbite, madam.

Does Carol Maxheimer know anything about the Big Apple Ranch?

It's where Joe met him.

Joe and Iggy Pop

Joe is intellectually incapable of having an original idea.

I like how they believe a 4 bedroom house with no property is a compound

Nope. 2 bedroom, 2 bath condominium.

i think he was referring to antwan's 0.38 acre "compound"


So what

I hate the way he tries to make everything in his mundane life sound interesting.

When we know he is mind-leeching off Anthony again.

Amazed he was able to write an entire post without mentioning politics or using the word nigger. Reminder that he did both in his eulogy for his mom.

He wishes it were a ranch house. It's a shitty little condominium.