Theory: Ro Cumia faked having dementia so her bald asshole sons would leave her alone for the remainder of her life

1  2018-12-22 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Quite possible. I've floated the idea that her sons were such faggots, that it was actually a self-induced dementia as a coping mechanism. Dr. Steve comment?

I like this theory.

Out of all the psychiatric diagnosis dementia would likely the most difficult to malinger. However major depressive disorder can often be misdiagnosed in the elderly as dementia and then goes untreated. So, could be as she advanced in age and reflected on her life and her lack of accomplishments she grew depressed, misdiagnosed as depressed and rotted away in a nursing home.

It’s 100% true. I met a scientist the other day.

If you were in the same spot wouldnt you?

I bet Ro liked it when the orderlies at her death home fucked her silly knowing she will forget in 5 minutes.

I bet she got filled with all kinds of Hispanic and black jizz, I bet everyone in the place knew it was happening too, but none of her kids visited so it went on.

Kill Bill comes to mind when I think of the treatment of Ro Cumia in her final days.


Jesus (Heysoos) was the guy running the operation, how did you know that? You partook too?

I was just a janitor there but I can attest that she was used like abandoned fleshlight. At the end of my rounds I had to wipe her off like a plump French baker wipes off the excess cream from an over filled doughnut.

Haha holy shit!

HA-HA topped off in my mom ho-ly shit!

55 years of looking at acne scarred idiots is quite enough. Well done, Ro.

Maybe I'm just a softcock, but I think this sub goes after that poor old lady too much.

Oh no no no. I'm praising her for wanting to get away from her bald asshole sons. This is praise.

What does she care? She's dead.


Ha did it happen?

Oh gawd luv hah

Perhaps, but it's not slander to say Ro Cumia did crack and sucked many-a black cock; it's just objective fact.

Generally we're saying her piece of shit sons mistreated and abandoned her. I think mostly people are on her side.

Well there's plenty about her sucking dicks too but hey, when God gives you a talent..

We are not going after her, we are simply highlighting the one good thing she was good at, laying on her back and taking strange semen.

Theory: her sons are assholes.

I think that's been confirmed, sir.

It's a theory like gravity is.

I'm Dawn and I can confirm this

The old whore wanted to smoke her crack in peace without her faggot sons bogarting her stem.

Brother Joe mooched off his mom for crack just like he mooches off his brother for money.

The girl needed some girl time. A nice crack pipe in her mouth, and a black cock in the ass.

She probably saw Dawn's husband way more than Ant or Joe.

Poor woman worked 2-3 jobs for decades to give them a chance at life. After a long miserable single mother existence like that....seeing her oldest boy being a professional MOOCH.....

She obviously regretted turning a blind eye to her sons sexually molesting Dawn when they were younger. To be fair to Anthony, it was most likely Joe who committed most of the abuse, but little pissy eyes definitely involved himself as well. I assume this is why she sent them to the other side of the country to live with their completely incapable father in the first place. At least then she could come home from a 16 hour shift at the truck stop every night without feeling guilty about what those two did to her daughter while she was absent.

Upvoted for username. Theory is shit