tfw you browse Reddit and see you are on the right side of history

1  2018-12-22 by T-Earl-Grey-Hot


Meth Damon was such a good character. I've watched all seasons of Better Call Saul and it's pretty good, but it's no Breaking Bad.

Season three of Better Call Saul was easily on par with the generic greatness of Breaking Bad.

Season Four was disappointing, unfortunately.

Season 3 was intense, well-made and interesting, but nowhere near any season of Breaking.

I think it can definitely compete with the worst season of Breaking Bad.

Dont forget fargo. He wound up banging and marrying Kristen Dunst cause of that show. Kids good.

Poor bastard has to sleep with past her prime chicklet teeth every night. She wasnt even good in her prime.

Friday Night Lights.

He's a great actor (and the highlight of that fucking Game Night movie) and Fargo Season 2 is some of the best television I've ever seen

He wound up banging and marrying Kristen Duns

she hit the wall a long time before she was on fargo. marrying a busted out slut isn't an achievement. (unless you're patrice o'neal)

Was impressed how they took down white supremacists a peg or two with that final season. I'm sure they got a lot of hate letters about it too. Glad they stuck to their guns.

Whoa! Sounds like something I need to check out. Ballsy!

You getting all pissy-eyed over this?

it was a pretty odd way to end the series. going up aganist international drug cartels and then in the last season a bunch of random bikers from the local gay bar end up being more dangerous than the most deadly mexican drug cartel that eats children for breakfast.

I liked Season 5 and the Gus storyline probably needed to end when it did, but he was an infinitely more interesting villain than those ugly queers.

It wasn't their defining characteristic, they were just dirt bag desert trash. They cared about money and pussy.

Todd was a good egg who only did what was needed

He got shit done.

Breaking Bad might still seem great, but twenty years from now it will be just another old "Normal everyday x is actually a y" shows.

What anime is this

Green Car Meth Man

I hated Todd that little shit.

Whoa! Sounds like something I need to check out. Ballsy!

You getting all pissy-eyed over this?

it was a pretty odd way to end the series. going up aganist international drug cartels and then in the last season a bunch of random bikers from the local gay bar end up being more dangerous than the most deadly mexican drug cartel that eats children for breakfast.

It wasn't their defining characteristic, they were just dirt bag desert trash. They cared about money and pussy.