
1  2018-12-22 by NortheastPhilly


that's a pretty good heckle, I would have laughed

without consent

In their eyes he pinned them down and fucked their mouth while calling Obama a nigger.

The fact that he got consent was the whole reason this issue was debatable, so they just flat-out lie in their articles now to vilify him even more.

Don't interrupt me, cunt!

Her heckle didn't even make sense.

The whole reason she's bitching is cause he did get his dick out. Her idea of "heckling" him is to tell him to do exactly what she was screaming bloody crocodile tears over.

Women are fucking stupid, that's a given, but this cunt is going through hoops just to be as wrong as possible

she’s the female chip.

heh, yeah, uh, REMEMBER THE THING THAT YOU GOT IN TROUBLE FOR! DO THE THING fuckin nailed that cocksuckah

I would love if she got throat fucked by Louis’ mexican cousins as soon as she walked outside, and then his jewish cousins refused to represent her in court.

Who gives a fuck about Louie anymore? Fuck him and his bending over backwards to kiss the collective dick of people who never liked his comedy anyway. He's another pathetic cuck.

Had Patrice been caught doing something like this he'd have joked about how it was an honor that he let these whores see his dick.

Jesus fuck the self congratulation going on is fucking nuts here...how many fucking rapists and peds do we pass everyday fucking day and not even know!?

This is a strange story.

Its like me 10 years ago at a club, drinking one too any shots and puking at the bar and then getting thrown out. And when re-telling that story i'd just say i was trapped and all the people around me were being obscene so i just had to do something to get out of it, so i puked on purpose and got escorted out, just like i wanted.

This bitch wanted the audience on her side, she wanted them to laugh at her "joke" and she probably had a whole scenario pre-planned in her head where she would make a comment about his dick if he took it out. The only real hero here is the boyfriend who has to live with this attention seeking bitch and dont kill her.