What did Sam do to Judy Gold to start this? Is there anybody who bothers to listen to Jim & Sam any more?

1  2018-12-22 by ThcBlueAwning


Sam was talking smack about her religion ... he went on a rant about "Christ killers” ruining the Christmas miracle. Jimmy was in the shitter at the time. Judy wanted a plug and Sam told her the German plan was good, but just lacked proper execution. I never heard such hate spew from Sam.

Fuck i missed that part

It didn’t happen.

Sam became enraged when Judy told him that he looked Jewish, so he acted in a vicious and vile anti-Semitic manner to her. It wasn’t so much anything in particular that he said, but more about the way she was treated that left no doubt that he wanted to gas her for reminding everyone that he looks less than Aryan.

Is Sam not a Jew? I thought it was a well established fact?

Wasn't he born in like Kentucky? Do they even allow jews there?

If it's Louisville.

Of course Jim was in the shitter while they were on the air. Why wouldn’t he be

I listened to some of it but just heard little shots here and there about her age and shit and being outdated and they bashed her little narative she wrote about some dead.woman lol. They also played smashed some buttons on the console calling her a cunt and all that cute stuff. Still don't see why opie is having a god damn fit. I must have missed the atom bomb.

Sadly can’t tell if this is real. Sam is a true piece of shit, this is believable

So Opie is full of irrational anger and hatred for two unknown radio hosts?


Sounds good!

There was none. Sam’s age bashing gained some momentum and an old bag took it poorly. The console sound bytes were on the money for once & the repetition took its toll on the Jewess.

I love that everyone wants to know, yet no one can stand their show enough to listen and find out.

Probably about 10,000 hrs of O&A shows total?

Can't suffer through 3 hrs of Worm & Tendies.

Judy had the audacity to say that grown men shouldn't masturbate to wrestlers and Sam got mad and started to berate her.

If Sam really trashed Judy gold then, that’s a +1 for him. She’s IS a dumb outdated unfunny cunt. Opie is clearly still obsessed about getting fired and Jim and Sam having a show. Definitely not over it.

Sam trying to be funny just comes off as anti Semitic, what a surprise. Also him was in the bathroom. What a surprise. Maybe if Jim didn’t get pounded by trannies hose prostrate and bladder wouldn’t leak like his asshole does after edging himself with yogurt and a black dildo pulling his nut sack with a para cord rope.

more words


Stop Interrupting me Cunt!!

I sifted through because I was curious myself. Honestly, it was the most enjoyable bit of radio Jim and Sam have done. Fuck both of them still because the Opester is king but it was almost reminiscent of the great troll interviews of the mid 2000s. Just constantly was being shitty to her and he and Jim were playing actually funny clips, she got very irritated throughout but never outright left or totally lost it. Good shit. I don't have a timestamp but it's a couple hours into their show from earlier this week. Wednesday maybe, or Tuesday