I'm new to the O&A thing, and I'm genuinely confused, do people really think Opie is funnier or are they being sarcastic?

1  2018-12-21 by TheBentCarrot

I honestly can't tell. I liked Jim Norton's stand-up from the Tough Crowd days and started listening to the Chip podcast and now Jim and Sam. I've listened to Opie's, excuse me, Greg's podcast, and it's all cringey, unfunny and shock jock shlock. It seems like every post here is praising Opie and shitting on the rest, so I'm seriously wondering, are people being genuine or is it sarcasm?


Nice try, Sam.

Sam is nothing, he brings zero to the table. When I listen to their show it's only the best-of's. I get tired of the "ask a question that you know the answer to" routine.

For example, Jim: "I'm so mad and angry" Sam: "Would you say that you were upset?" Jim in a quiet voice: "Yes I am".

It gets done ad nauseum, but I still prefer it over Opie's "tell me about the chick you banged, bro"

Opie's a better dude and a worse comedian than Ant and Jim were at their peak. Ant and Jim are no funnier than Opie ever was now, though.... Which leaves them with just being creepy, cruel assholes.

So you calling him the Destroyer is for real?

He's been destroying bitches all week on Twitter, keep up lambchop

I liked Jim Norton's stand-up

The sub for "adults with special needs" is this way.

fuck off faggot, this sub is garbage

Our love for you is genuine, Opie. I know it’s you, pal.

I'm so out of my element, and clearly do not know enough about this whole fandom. I'm just gonna give up on all of them.

hang around for a while. You'll get used to it.

Don't forget to kill yourself in a way that your family will have to go to considerable effort to clean it up

Smart move.

The people on this sub are so desperate for an “in-joke” that they’ve convinced Opie he’s NOT a dickhead without any ability to be funny. It’s a forced progression from the days of wrecking the facebook pages of other radio shows, where the “pests” are the show, rather than Opie and Anthony.

It’s gay, and so is Opie’s podcast.