Post you unpopular Opie & Anthony universe opinions

1  2018-12-21 by 423289

I still like Bill Burr.


And yeah nice typo stupid

The show was never that good

I feel like that’s becoming a popular opinion

It fell off a lot earlier than most people want to admit. They hid it really well with great comedians, guests and some genuinely funny cruel humor but people now like to pretend like best ofs and the YouTube compilations represent the average quality, which especially in the last 5 years or so was pretty weak on average.

I don't mean to sound like Bro Joe but seriously, why you you still here if you never thought the show was that good? Is it the only thing you know of?

Laughing at silly old men is fun.

All Lady Di bits blow

I didn't even think that was an unpopular one. But I agree.

No. Lol them and especially Opie ripping in Di still gets me

Bill Burr's wife was a street walker before they met


Who the fuck is paying for that?!

Street knuckle walker

Blacks are same as people

Grammar are same as stupid

Wording am hard.

Whoa steady on. Same how?

Whoa steady on. Same how?

Dial 911. you’re having a stroke

I'm having one too.


And Bobo was also fingered in the hot tub that fateful night

Patrice is overrated

Fuck yes.

He was cool and charismatic, but didn’t have that many funny lines

You're a faggot.


Thanks to him you had to hear Von on the show all the time.

I liked him on the show sometimes but his standup....meh

God yes. The way people talk about him as if he was this genius philosopher who was funnier than anyone is so annoying.

Still enjoy the old show as much for much the same reason as I ever did. Soured on worm, not on pederast. Also, Opie is still the same unfunny, uninteresting piece of shit he always was and your collective delusion about the man should be studies by clinical psychologists.

No one here would argue that your last point is unpopular.

That's the bit, stupid.

Well shit, don’t I feel like a bit of an Opie right now.

Can you pump the brakes and break it down for us?

Maybe take some calls?

George Carlin was not brilliant

But he dissected common idioms and called people stupid. Isn't that the pinnacle of comedy?

Same goes for Pryor.

I agree with this. Pryor also never made me crack a smile.

Patrice had a horrible habit of grinding the funny moments to a halt, in order to psycho-analyze & fully explain just WHY whatever their laugh at is funny.

Instead of just going along with the laughs, he'd stop it to explain just what's so funny about it.

"Now hold on ya'll....."

We get it, you're smart & a 'deep-thinker'. Fuck....

I used to hate that about Patrice appearances as well

At least he didn’t endlessly pontificate like CK.

Right. People love Patrice's appearances, and every now & then they'll be alright.

But Fuck me if he didn't pontificate (stealing your word) like Fucking crazy. All in the name of showing off how "deep" he was.

Instead of just rolling with the laughs, he'd always stop it to fully break down the humor.

"Now let me just explain something to ya'll."

Norm MacDonald is a cocksucker.

Compound Media isn't terrible. I like some of their shows, but it is just too expensive for what it is.

Serious question—which shows?

I like Crime Report and Kevin Brennan. TACS can be good when there's a good guest on the roster.

Cool. I loved Crime Report when I lived there and bought the Post every morning, back in the day, pre compound, but tapped out for some reason. And KB is a funny motherfucker—not a great standup, but a terrific shit talker.

This is the shame of Cumia’s network (which I subscribed to for awhile then had an issue cancelling my sub because they’re either incompetents or thieves over there); he was poised to take it in so many interesting directions and actually had a decent sized fan base when he started—Gavin went there with the intentions of building a comedy/entertainment platform and only went off the rails when he realized Ant couldn’t be bothered to put in more than a 2 hour workday; that proud boy shit came out of edgy boredom, I watched all those shows—but it’s just stayed this fetid turd for 4+ years.

On Rogan Ant talked about changing up their business model, but has anything come of that? Or was that more non-confrontational “tell him what he wants to hear” Ant saying whatever it took to get by with the least conflict possible, ironically on a free podcast that literally gets thousands of times more views than his own paywall shitshow.

I give him credit for trying something, the guy just isn't good at follow through. And that old argument that netflix is $7.99 a month. A sub should be like $3 at CM especially since half the stuff gets pirated anyways.

It could be a good business model if the product were better, or as you say, priced accordingly.

I think Ant got bogged down by the “visual element” years ago, before he was fired, and it’s been a hindrance. He doesn’t even use it to any potential, it just stilts his and his guests’ ability to be funny. (Not to toot Gavin’s horn any more, I think he’s a clown, but at least he made a go of it with the green screen and doing remotes etc)

I think Ant would have been better off doing an audio only podcast on the CumTown model; two shows a week, one free, one sub, which would have allowed him to pursue other work or interests as well, if he had any besides drinking at his house with mongoloids.

Btw, did Artie or anybody address KB’s claim that the AA show price hike/Gavin’s departure drove away subscribers?

this is more of an unpopular fact, but opie is an active pedophile who has fat tits. the truth will be brought to the light eventually

Yet you're here every day

shitting on frauds, faggots, and unfunny garbage is thoroughly enjoyable.

also, get cancer you fraud faggot

Love you too puddin'

Jim Norton is an unfunny hack who has stopped trying 10 years ago.

How is that an unpopular opinion when everyone thinks that?

Not even opinion, just observable, well documented facts.

Norm MacDonald is a cocksucker.

Get hit by a car you didn't see because you were getting mauled by a pitbull.

Many of his fans on here are total faggots like you. Same goes for CQ's. Getting angry over something like this. Gay.

You aren't doing as you were instructed.

Explain? He’s the funniest man alive, cocksucka

I love Pat Cooper.

Troy Quan has never bothered me. He still doesn't. He's a douche, sure. But he just seems like a guy that has held down a pretty cool job for like 15 years and somewhat had a life outside of dealing with faggot shock jocks everyday. And he successfully murdered his gf. Thats pretty cool, too.

We were too hard on Dovid.


It's just that the hat fits so well.

He's certainly not perfect and I get why he rankles people but I never especially disliked Danny.

Often when he had a fight with someone (Kenny, Steve C, Blind Stevie fights come to mind) I always felt like he was in the right.

Patrice was overrated and his sloppy 6 of a girlfriend is not the trophy of a "lady's man".

But she did put up with a lot of shit. Do you want a 10 who tells you what to do or a 6 who will wash a hookers asshole so yall can fuck in a hotel bed? Think on, brothaman...

I'd rather fuck one 8 than two 6's, so you're losing me on this one.

Nana would disagree.

the opie bit has become real to at least 50% of you and that is embarrassing

isnt it entertaining and edgy???

Getting caught up in the bullshit with the mob is what the O&A show was all about.

I've never listened to Stern for more than 20 minutes and I hate him. I'm never letting that one go.

I always hated Bill Burr

I hated him when his first record came out and I hate him now because he's back doing the same kind of shit, but he was great for a few years, from about 2006 to 2012.

He always sucked on the show.

My liking Opie was never a bit.

I also enjoy Vic Henley.


I like the brothaman. I can’t stand Vic though.

i understand the Opie part but Vic Henley? Maybe I never gave him a proper chance because I could never even get past that obnoxious thick southern accent that are like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.

Can't stand LOS and Luis. Luis is a total hack.

Conversely, I like Nick Mullen. Kinda a midget Anthony-like hipster.

I like Nick Mullen

We killed Stinks for that.

Rich Vos, January 28th and 29th at the Atlantic City Comedy club.

Carl Ruiz is not funny

Patrice was a fun guest, but his go to "white people" analysis was not that funny, and has been done a lot better by other comedians. Maybe it's more of a bts thing, but all the reverence and importance given to him by other comedians always seemed fake.

Jim Breuer should have shut the fuck up every now and then and let someone else talk.

Those first few years of Stern o Sirius was superior to anything from O&A

That’s a fact not an opinion. I liked the O&A show a lot but it was never even remotely close to being as great as the Stern Show when it was in its prime.

That wasn't even the prime, it was the renaissance.

I miss making fun of Opie and hating him

Louis CK has four wonderful bits with Opie and Anthony (Suck Cock for K-Rock, Are You A Lizard?, Slave Girl and Louis CK Analyzes Gap) but the rest doesn't hold up on repeated listening. He's a pontificating bore for the most part and as he got more and more famous, Opie, Anthony and Jimmy started fanboying him and being weird when he was in the stupid, acting like ass-kissing cronies with him, desperate to be put in Louis projects. Fuck Louis, he's a douche, its got nothing to do with him being left wing either. Well, a little bit. But he really is a bloviating prick.

I like everything he has ever done minus Pootytang. Couldn't disagree with you more.

Louis was by far the most talented of anyone related to O&A. There aren't too many people in existence that possess the ability to be pretentious artsy fucks while also being consistently funny.

And to find a way to jerk off at least once a day without fail in addition to the prolific output - incredible.

Nigger was a feeling with Patrice was better than any bit you mentioned here

Patrice's standup was horrible

You want two tickets to see his (wifes) show in February in Glasgow? I dont wanna fucking go

No thanks, I have no ambition to watch stand up comedy anymore. It desperately needs a downfall.

Anthony's the best

While Sam does indeed suck, Pat Duffy was a retarded person with an "angry" gimmick who manifested it constantly and deserved to be mocked for it.

Opie still sucks and some people here unironically circlejerk that douche.

Fez stinks. Crying and saying nothing on show for years wasn’t entertaining. His only contribution was being so stupid it created bits

I never liked him, but I never really listened to R&F so maybe I just don't get it.

I don't like crazy people.

This whole place is The Pests without the anchor of O&A to mine the best of it. That’s why the sub is some legit runny stuff mixed mostly with retards and faggots calling eachother retards and faggots.

Joe Rogans height is not the issue here.

I’m a middle aged amateur musician. I think Joe is betta than me.

I always liked Derosa appearances because there would always be conflict, manufactured or not.


Louis and Patrice jew & nigger bit is the funniest piece of radio I have ever heard. And the best opie ever was was when he had the chance to make fun of retards

Thanks to him you had to hear Von on the show all the time.