How did Andy see this tweet?

1  2018-12-21 by RBuddCumia


Fuck off cumia you racist and literal pedophile.

Google literal, then google pedophile.

Oh go run in front of a train you cocksucker.

It's just when you use the fucking word literal, better be literal you dumb cunt. Not trying to excuse his behaviour it's the same think if you talked literally about sand and meant rocks. You look like a fucking retard.

Why the fuck should I do anything a cunt on the internet tells me to do. Google ‘how to tie a noose’, you massive, massive twat.


Literally literally.

Coming from you though it could mean fucking anything.


Good, you didn't use literally because you actually didn't hear me. Progress.

You’re starting to win me around, merry Christmas sir

You too buddy!

Are you faggots gonna fuck or what?

Not goo gobbler.

He is a literal fucking pedophile you idiot

Take a trip around the sub and check out his Vine likes sometime


Actually, Merriam-Webster Dictionary updated the definition of “literally” in 2013 to include things that aren’t literal since it was being misused so often. Perhaps you should have done some googling!

Oh snap! What the hell is that all about? retards 1 vocabulary 0

I hate to link to a salon article, but I’m too lazy to find a different one.

He's literally sexually attracted to children. If you're splitting hairs between 11 and 13, you're definitely a pedophile.

Ffs it's not splitting hairs when pedophile wants a child with no woman-like features vs a teen with tits and ass. And how the fuck does sticking to facts make me a pedophile? If you think that's splitting hairs you're a nazi holocaust denier, flawless logic you got there faggot.

a teen with tits and ass.

You creeps never fool anybody with this shit. Most 13 year olds look like children. They're barely into puberty yet. If you really wanted a girl with tits and ass, the technical difference between pedophilia and hebephilia wouldn't be the hill you're willing to die on. Like any non pedophile, you would be interested in mature adult women and never even consider fucking a 13 year old.

I'm an autistic fuck, all I care about are facts. If you use literally it means fucking literally, in this case it was about pefophiles. Turns out I was wrong and the meaning has since been changed but I wasn't aware of that. That is what starter this whole thing.

Now we can go into pedophilia hebephilia thing but it's pointless. There are teens with tits and ass, that's a fucking fact. Only one of those two would find said girl hot, another fact. Unless you show me bodyshots of the girls Ant diddled I'm going to go with what he's said in the past and that the girls had developed already, moving away from the fucking pedophilia range.

Pedophilia isn't a hill I'm willing to die on but anything with facts I can get behind is.

This was the twitter profile the Anthony got catfished by years ago

When you look at his girlfriends over the years(Melinda, Stetten, Apology girl, Dani and Sue) he's obviously attracted to skinny girls with no boobs or ass, who look like they barely crossed the threshold into puberty.

How fucked up are you? Physical appearance and attraction isn’t the only issue here. A child of 13 isn’t operating on the same level emotionally, or intellectually as a grown ass man. It’s manipulative and predatory to get into an emotional and/or physical relationship with someone who is so far removed from adult thinking and development. If you’re an adult who thinks you can fuck a child just because there’s grass on the field, you’re ignoring the imbalance and committing a crime. You know where I learned that? Child and Family Services - where I work protecting children from people like you and Ant.

You're so called argument has nothing to do with what I said. Should've just kept your mouth shut if your reading comprehension is at that level. Here we go again with "people like you and Ant" I know it's futile trying to get you to understand that the whole point of this even if I gave a fucking example that it's not about pedophilia. You are a dumb fuck.

It’s about fucking children by whatever name you want to call it you fucking ghoul. Save CFS some trouble and just go fuck yourself.

No it's not you dumb fucking cunt. It's about using the word literally when in fact he wasn't fucking meaning literally. You're a fucking tool. Whole pedophile thing just hit your fragile little feels like a cunt and now you're being all high and mighty arguing a point that wasn't even a point. Cry me a river faggot.

Child fucker.

What about a grown ass man that looks like a 13 year old girl?

Where does that fall in? Asking for a friend.

I think the deal is if you buy it tits she basically owes you.

Because that fucking woman can't stay off Twitter.

Tranny-loving faggots gotta stick together.

Anthony Cumia deserves AIDS.

Problem is not many preteens have it, so contracting the virus is more challenging for him.

Let's hope he meets Ryan White 2.0 and takes a load in that lumpy guinea ass.

Too bad he never leaves the country.

And economy flights to south east asia are well outside the budget of cp media these daya

Absolutely Idiotic Deadbeat Sibling?

What!? Report his ban-evading ass!

That's Facebook. He's yelling into a tiny echo chamber of sychophants.

He has resorted to responding to tweets on facebook.

Facebook...classic Nana!

Jimmy would sabotage shows?

DL Hugley, comment?

Nick Mullen?

He's got spois too

I’m not spoying

He has a twitter account, mentioned in Joe Rogan

Guarantee that it's @badbeavis which immediately stopped tweeting ant style shit when he was called out.

Love that name too. Very inconspicuous.

We have interns who say they were not allowed to look at Anthony. Anthony derailed many-a-show with his racist rants and arguments with the callers. Supposed to be a comedy show. Plenty of people have confirmed the Jimmy gets so mad he'd spit on his own floor thing. We of course all witnessed the DL thing, but likely numerous other times that occurred where it was not brought up on air.

So no Ant, this is not just Opie projecting.

Anthony derailed entire shows by regularly calling in "sick" because he was up drinking until sunrise. He'd also ruin shows because he was in a shitty mood with a hangover, or he was too busy shopping for children on PalTalk to contribute to the show.

Good slam from the one who sabotages careers.

Just seeing Opie's blue checkmark and sea of faithful followers growing everyday while Anthony is hiding on his 12th alt Twitter account has to really hurt old man Cumia.

nah, he's not gaining followers at all. He's losing them at a steady pace.

downvoting the truth.

How's obscurity treating you, Nana?

Complete lack of self awareness [sic]

Oh my God, has the earth collapsed in on itself yet? This is universe-destroying irony here.

Anthony will be elaborating over on Gab.

Not if RoeCumia’sCorpse has anything to do with it.

Anthony LITERALLY was arrested for domestic violence. Literally.

Anthony LITERALLY was defensive about people mentioning a certain Transsexual porn actor holding his gun.




It will be a shame if the ballwashers get to listen to the Jerky Boys clip.

Opie did sabotage shows, but he has admitted many times that he did his share of fucking up over the years. He even admitted that he treated Ant’s girlfriend poorly (which Ant then did as well, for years until she left). Remember, Ant? You are the one that made fun of him for getting emotional about it on the air. Which is more honest than anything you have put out on your show in four years. While Anthony isn’t wrong, the ultimate irony is his lack of self-awareness while calling out someone else’s.

Yep, it’s exactly like when he calls out the black community for bad behavior.

In fairness ant is such an emotional black hole that he didn't so much as glance at his dying mother for her final half decade above ground, as she mentally disintegrated from a degenerative brain disease. So laughing at someone showing a genuine human emotion is probably all he knows how to do.

I have to side with the majority.

Right or wrong I'll have to agree

Some of thought it was a joke to respect thedestroybut if you haven’t joined on by now, you don’t belong on this sub

Anthony is right and the butthurt in this thread is equally funny and embarrassing

Anthony is right and the butthurt in this thread is equally funny and embarrassing. Gregg spent 10 years using phone calls to passive aggressively attack Jim and Ant when he was bitter about not being able to join in on the riffs and feeling the sting of active exclusion. He's doing the same thing with tweets today. Can anyone show an example of Gregg proclaiming something without responding to a tweet, the way he used to "respond" to callers?

Greggs retweet and tweet responses are the modern equivalent of him screen for commentors who were already broaching a subject he wanted to bring up but was too timid, knowing himself to be the third wheel, to say outright. Maybe Anthony is right that he lacks the creativity and original thinking to put his feelings to words and needs to be inseminated by other speakers to give birth to what looks like a thought or opinion


Holy Shiiiiiiittttttt!!!!!!!


Complete lack of self awareness!




He’s so fucking dumb

You guys remember when Jim took up 40 minutes of air time bitching that the police “motherfucked him” but refused to give any details. He finished his little pouting routine by spitting on the ground and trying to get opie to turn down the callers.

Yep, it’s exactly like when he calls out the black community for bad behavior.

In fairness ant is such an emotional black hole that he didn't so much as glance at his dying mother for her final half decade above ground, as she mentally disintegrated from a degenerative brain disease. So laughing at someone showing a genuine human emotion is probably all he knows how to do.

downvoting the truth.