When people refer to trannies as "she"...

1  2018-12-21 by NeerDoWell19

Don't you feel like you're dealing with a complete pushover coward? As in a person who will go along with whatever insane social engineering garbage that the media pushes just so they don't ruffle any feathers?

O&A was the first time I had ever heard someone (Jimmy) refer to them as "she," but I had always assumed it was a joke because he was obviously talking about a man in a dress. But now it's standard operating procedure across all media platforms, even among supposedly "edgy" comics.

And to all the people saying "What difference does it make? Why do you care?": you're asking me to play along with someone's delusion and treat their insanity like it's normal. If some schizophrenic person told you they were Superman or the President of the United States, you wouldn't feed into it and tailor your thinking to accomodate their mental illness as if it were true. This shit has gotten out of hand.


I don't care what anyone calls them. Just know there is quite a few I'd like to skewer.

I wouldn’t go that far I don’t think but I’m not above getting a bj from one

Look up Sarina Valentina and tell me you wouldn't let that fella suck you dry.

I suck dick but I don’t like it when people call me gay

Relax, buddy

Just fucking treat others with kindness until they prove themselves to be assholes.

Hey tranny you're a fucking MAN sorry I'm not a PUSHOVER COWARD who plays by society's rules. Sorry I'm not here to play along with your FUCKING delusional you INSANE MAN

Wow yeah. You're the alpha wolf and I'm the beta cuck for just calling them their preferred pronoun and moving on with my business.

It's not kind to play into a mentally ill person's delusions. I never said accost them, I said don't enable them. What next, I'm supposed to believe Artie Lange is clean and sober because he says so?

So if you meet a cute girl at a party who tells you "I'm Elizabeth but I hate that, everyone calls me Liz or Lizzie".

Does your angry little brainwashed noggin tell her she's DELUSIONAL and you will be calling her ELIZABETH like her PARENTS INTENDED. You're not going to ENABLE THIS BITCH'S LIES when your name on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is fucking ELIZABETH you cunt.

Nice straw man, stupid.

What a terrible strawman argument. A name is different from a word describing what the essence of something is. If she said she was a tree or said she was 1000 years old, then I would not play into her delusional lie. A name or a nickname is merely a label.


HOW FUCKING DARE YOU number one FACT: trees do not MOVE number two FACT: trees do not TALK number three FACT: you are a human you are NOT A TREE! Everyone around me, back me up on this because I'm fucking FURIOUS, this is a human being not a TREE! MA'AM, EXCUSE ME MA'AM come over and here and tell me this is a HUMAN and not a fucking TREE because I'm about to lose my shit!!!!


Oh, so you're a tree? Ha ha thanks for the oxygen, see ya

Trannies are SO mentally stable.

The fact that you have to invent imaginary scenarios to argue against says a lot about the weakness of your argument, strawmanning faggot.

Pronouns are literally substitutes for names. Any essence-describing they do is on you, faggot.

Remember, Jimmy only does this because "she" won't let you suck her cock unless you are respectful about their delusional behavior. He'd call them anything they want to get that hog in his mouth and ass.

If they look like a dude without squinting then I don't bother. That has caused issue with some actual women though.

I just assume all women are trannies these days, most of them act like it.

You can call them whatever you want, just don't call them late for dinner

This is simultaneous with the press style-booking Mohammed to The Prophet Muhammad—because that's what the aggressor calls him. And he calls himself "she."

People do what the craziest guy in the room says to do. Muslims and male trannies equally out-psycho the rest of us, so currently we do what they both demand. Iran found a way to accommodate that, but our trannies aren't submissive like theirs. There's gonna be a fight to the death.

Enjoy it.


It should be acceptable for an angry mob to just get rid of all the weirdos like they did in the good ole’ days

ill call someone “lord dragon fist” if they want

most people dont care

its the forced diversity that annoys people

I put up with people's delusions all the time. If you were to give me this rant on the street I'd agree with you and walk away, even though you're obviously retarded.

I think I tend to do that because I know they are struggling with a mental illness and my faggot ass pussy self feels bad.

Sounds like your dad is trans and you’re having a hard time. Hang in there.

Couldn't have said it better. Well done, OP.

Fuck em I'll fight em

The whole Transgender thing is nonsense.


It's always either pure delusion or sexual fetishism.