Almost forgot:There is something inherently hot about Fluetsy,Big A is a creep and ESD show is still on!?

1  2018-12-21 by bobodid911


Big a is taking a picture of her ass lmao

Is t posted yet?

There are 15 year olds that make more money with their summer jobs, than ESD makes in a whole year.

I really wonder wtf they are thinking. That show has been on CM for like 3 years. There are like 5 people on the show and they are behind a paywall so they can't venture out into YT to get exposure. Does Dave get like a hundred dollars at the end of the week and divide it between everyone? It's fucking retarded to do a show that you can't gain followers with because you're locked in obscurity by a paywall. I hope Dave walks into CM with an AK-47 and just lights Keith up for being an incompetent boob.

This woman-shaped woman with no penis is weirdly appealing.

Can we get some more pics of her?

Just as long as it doesn’t include her nose

That's right, baby

I wouldn’t consider being behind the obscurity wall of compound media as being “on”