Dave Landau is a literal re-tard

1  2018-12-21 by SheddupFaggot



I love how Anthony is so clearly embarrassed that his co-host is so fucking stupid

But not that he is as well.

Incredible how this is the thing that Anth finally decides to be embarrassed about

Not even Bobo is that stupid.

Dave Lan-do-www is the furthest thing from hilarious.

The fat wife and zany slow-adult haircuts make a lot more sense now. I can’t imagine how many hours he spent trying to decipher the various troll edits to his Wikipedia page.

Norton at :27

so i hear your career died ┗( ⊙ .⊙ )┛ \(>o<)ノ (ノ゚0゚)ノ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

How do you make these little faces?

i googled gook emojis


Yawning is a tell-tale sign you’re having an amazing time.

Nigga reads at a Kindergarden level

Who the fuck looks at the work Week and doesn’t know how to say it

At Panera the work week is 7 days straight, but still only enough hours to make sure you aren't full time and given benefits

That is not normal

Every time in the comedy world someone refers to another comic as hilarious it sounds like the most disingenuous thing. It's gotta be the most obvious tell that they don't find them as funny as they're attempting to make them out to be.

Week (hard k)

LMAO was he saying weck

That would still be a hard k. He must have been saying weece.

Yeah that’s fucking mind boggling.

To be fair, I dont trust the geniuses at cumpound to know what "hard k" even means

A hard R, on the other hand...

To also be fair, I have no idea what it means haha. Thought they were making shit up

They all know what a hard D means though

Sue taught them all.


Let's not forget about how dumb that rat faced nigger Keith is for not standardizing his phonetic conventions. De-cem-ber and De-cem burr.

He won’t be in much longer. He doesn’t feel like he belongs and Anthony openly bashed him on how he has been booking shows on Thursdays recently. Also the crew when asked if they knew where Dave was performing. You clearly see them shrug their shoulders and don’t like him either. Plus they put up his sheet on the screen and Anthony joined in on the mocking .

I think youre right. Dave never moved his cow and kids to NY anyways did he? Everyone knew it was gonna be short lived.

I am an actual dyslexic, and that is the most fucked thing I've ever seen. It's hard, but it's not THAT hard. Jesus Christ.

he should just read by following his finger across the page like the rest of your retards

Hahahahha jesus christ

G-sus Ker-eye-st

Opies kid is an actual retard.

Even Artie is watching this, blood dripping from his collapsed nose and doped up on heroin, laughing at how pathetic Dave Landau is.

Thank you, I've saved this for future reference.

Appreciate how hilarious this is

"hilarious" - Anthony keeps using that word. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

My name is Antwan Kumiya. You are not people. Now I will laugh at your weak jokes to diffuse any potential violence.

dave seems like he's on 4x the dose for someone his weight of zoloft

he takes the zo-loft to stop him from killing y'all


Haha holy shit

I know I'm asking a lot, but can someone with a CM sub check and see how bad Dave was fucking up his plugs? He never struck me as this dumb.

Yes can someone make a Dave is a retard compilation

I don't pay much attention to plugs but I don't recall him making any noteworthy reading errors. I imagine some of the stuff on the cue card is a little overboard. Whoever wrote it is clearly a moron, as evidenced by their inability to stay phonetically consistent over just the few lines on the card. It's clear that Dave has a real reading problem but I haven't seen any hilarious examples of it yet.

Oh that just sounds sad


Also does Ant know what overcompensating means. Every time he’s mentioned or on screen he mentions how hilarious he is. We get it.

Anthony’s standard for hilarity is notoriously low.

That soy sauce hair looks so horribly unnatural.

You don't think his hair color is natural? HEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHE

That's fucking hilarious

You’re all fucking retarded on thinking that isn’t a joke.

They don't teach reading in the school of hard nods.

Dave is not hilarious. Dave works for crumbs and Dave shows up. Those were the ONLY two criteria. Oh, and he's white.

So who wrote all the wiki protests for him?

His fat wife?

I love Dave. He's the man. They got two solid Daves now on Compound Media.

I might have to get a Twitter account to participate in the inevitable carpet bombing that's going to ensue

Dave landowns

Fucking idiot. All K’s are hard K’s unless they’re silent.

so i hear your career died ┗( ⊙ .⊙ )┛ \(>o<)ノ (ノ゚0゚)ノ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

To be fair, I dont trust the geniuses at cumpound to know what "hard k" even means

Yawning is a tell-tale sign you’re having an amazing time.