O&A: Twitter Audit

1  2018-12-21 by crookedmile


M on top once again. I love that man.

How many fake followers does Anthony have on tWiTtEr?!

Less than his number if fake houseguests

I thought Opie has more fake followers.

Also what’s up with Col

We knew that fans bought Bobo fake followers.

And Opie has always used every trick in the book to fake his social media numbers. Interesting that Colin, Jimmy, and Vos are doing that too.

I have an account to shit on celebrities anonymously. I have about five followers, three of those fake. I certainly didn't pay for that.

I think it's just twitter being garbage.

Twitter being garbage accounts for the 5% most of those folks have.

You get into the 15-20% range you or someone has paid for followers.

I don't think colin has the ability to do it, I remember on blobby's old podcast they used to talk about colin quinn being retarded on the computer.

Bennington's score should be higher, but it got roofied.

Those - those fakers. They make me sick, and they look stupid. I'm just letting you know.