Guitars/Bass Guitars that Joe Cumia thinks are real. (1/10000)

1  2018-12-21 by RBuddCumia


The bad thing is he knows they're fakes. He just wants the cheapest shit possible that makes him look like he has real instruments.

I don't blame him, (nobody goes to a fake cover band show because they really hope the guitarist can shred,) and I wouldn't shit on him about it except he acts all surprised when he pays 10% the normal cost and then gets a "Stratocaste." You stupid fucking ass, Joe.

as the owner of a real rickenbacker im of the opinion that joe got aids on purpose

I had a Rickenbacker bass and I traded it for a shitty Fender half-stack when I was 16. I could honestly cry thinking about it still.

That's a sweet looking Lickenbackel bass.