We have the commonality of being faggots

1  2018-12-21 by JimNortonsSobriety


We’re two bugs ...

🎺“Faggot and Maggot in the morning!”🎺

“We’re two guys that never grew up or developed personalities”

Come in this weekend for “Depp for PReP”

Bring in a Johnny Depp movie and get a months supply of PReP.


“Rape and Ape in the morning”

“Jew-fro and T-cell Low”

My cousin is an OB nurse in the city and she told me those were their names. I'm totally serious!

"Dude, that's my genuine smile, I'M TELLING YOU!"

"Huh? Yeah I love doing radio with the worst intern, I'd tell you if I didn't"

“You can’t just say we aren’t when we share the commonality of cock sucking hacks!”

Closet fag and Cro-mag in the morning.

Were two guys, one sucks dicks, the other one likes watching sweaty large men wrestle, it’s the number one alternative lifestyle show on Sirius, complete with gay leather jackets.

It’s the worm, and ole clown head show