I saw Opie on the street again today

1  2018-12-21 by juanwayne

I told him what hes doing to jim and ant is hilarious. He replied ā€œiā€™m tired of sitting back.ā€ He always comes off nice and genuine in person.


I think it's funny how Ant and Jim would rail on Opie for years and with just a couple of quick Twitter jabs he shuts them down so fast. Next time you see him ask if he's down for some grapefruit road sodas, brothaman.

Ireally hope this is true

It is. We both live on the upper west side. He was going to pick up his kid and i was walking my dog.

Well if so, good for you, spread that Christmas cheer! Xx

No thanks


No, o&a radicalized me to hate everything during the free fm days

That.. that's terrible, I'm sorry.

Maybe the pendulum will swing back the other way

How hot is your dog?

If you like pooch cock then youre a lucky guy

/u/saiyanz_rage come on down! You've won a furfriend!

šŸ™‚ sounds fun

Its a Shnoodle

Its a Shnoodle

SCHNOODLE you illiterate faggot! Get your facts straight mister.

I know exactly where he lives on Riverside. My friend holds a mid-level management position at that complex. You must be ballin to live there. The average rent is probably like $4500.

Haha im not. He lives in one of the trump towers. I live in a walk up. I mean its nice but not trump tower nice.

ha, nice. i work on west end ave, have bumped into him a couple of times.

He's getting back into the Captain's seat. All aboard!!!

A Christmas miracle

hell yeh

I've seen norton on 23rd st a few times what should I say to him

I feel like Opie is the kind of person that would have at least a small convo with a random fan.

Met him once in NYC about ten years ago, can confirm.

Met him in Vegas at CES, he was friendly

Jim fatherfucked you.

They've gone quiet for the same reason they didnt open their mouths to him and only talked behind his back, they're faggots and he makes them nervous.

It's actually worse this time, Nana was using bobos account to talk shit


Can't say for sure, but somebody wrote it one hundred percent and told him to copy and paste, the tard even left the quotation mark right there


He always comes off nice and genuine in person.

Genuinely dude

My biggest annoyance with Anthony is how he now talks like the Howard stern hate was 100% Opie and his delusion, yet countless segments air Anthony trashing Stern relentlessly

Opie is a man of the people. His office? New York City. His desk? Smack dab in the middle of a food cart. My friend, the brotherman is here to serve you as no politician can. Because washington left the middle class behind a loong fawkin time ago.

OPIE 2020


I'm all in on the low-stakes lies! Nice, very nice.

awesome story brotherman. I've always been way too nervous to say anything to opie when I have been near him. wish I had the guts to say how he is my hero.

Can you confirm it was just a hang brothaman?

Met him once in NYC about ten years ago, can confirm.

Met him in Vegas at CES, he was friendly