Open micer does his best Joe Cumia impression

1  2018-12-20 by Supernova5


I hate the word micer. I know that thats the only way to write mic-er but i always read it as mice-er, like its some kind of mice verb. Im not saying thats your fault, but a solution needs to be found.


Not good enough. Now it sounds like a verb of Mike, like something Mike does. People need to get their heads together.

Open microphoner

I think the pendulum is swinging back the other way on this one

The only truly WOKE way to say it is "Verbal Microphone Specialist of Undetermined Access Regardless of Skill, Ability, or Experience."

But what do I know?

Open mic'er?

Well la-dee-da seems like the good doctor managed to please himself.

I'll only be satisfied when this linguistic perfecting is rolled out globally

hey doc, i've got yellow shit on my cockhead


Unfortunately I cannot advise on pathology over the net, so you'll have to give me more to go on. Scrape some off with a sharp knife, smell it then taste it and let me know the results.

uch, been there done that (tastes like dried cum)

i've sent you a pic

Aspiring truth spreader?

Rogan pre-HGH

“Did you watch Joe Rogans new standup, what’s it called again? Strange times?” No, no I haven’t

uch, been there done that (tastes like dried cum)

i've sent you a pic