Joe speaking as an authority on old gay men

1  2018-12-20 by ReasonableSafe


I love him.

It's like an AI algorithm created him just for us

you just blew my mind.

He definitely stuck a Ken doll up his ass.

Hopefully it was Ant's

Does he understand how hashtags work?

I don't think so.

Its a punch up on his already great joke

Joe's tweets are harder to read than Finnegans Wake.

This is the kind of joke Louis or Colin would make on O&A and everyone would laugh their asses off so nobody would know they had no clue what they were talking about.

Finnigger's Wake

Joe just come out finally we will love you even more.

She's a major POA and it'll be cheaper to keep her after 57 years. knowing Joe he says this about his wife

Joe is jealous of Ken?

he is probably wishing he could live openly as well

In the land of gay men

Thanks for your expert opinion Homo Joe

Manblow Joe.

Joe is a gay man

I think it's incredibly brave and inspiring that Joe feels confortable pontificating about what life is like 'in the land of gay-men.' He's a true gay-man. What a wonderful person who certainly makes sure his most recent daughter gets to school on time.

This stupid fucking guinea thinks Ken, an imaginary character in the form of a little girl's doll, got married when he was born. 57 years old, 57 beautiful years of marriage.

What a goddamn buffoon

Joes is a lifelong bachelor so he knows what’s it’s like to settle down for appearances’ sake.

Is Barbie even still popular? And wasn't the underlying joke for like, his entire existence, that Ken was a massive faggot?

These are the daily concerns of an unemployed man.

Joe spends more time thinking of gay men in a day than I do in a year.

Ah, weighing in on homosexuality and Barbie dolls. Nothing strange about that, 65 year old straight man.

Thats bullshit, Fez is older than that and still swimming in man ass.

What the fuck is he even saying. Ugh, enough with his babbling ass.

Nice hyphen, stupid