Wow what a hot take! How original and funny!!!

1  2018-12-20 by catscabs


Cats are for old women and gay men.

Spot on

The fact you gave reddit notifications coming to your phone shows how much of a loser you are

Notifications are fags bro ur rite lol

There’s no way you don’t crush tons of pussy with a cat in your lock screen and being the recipient of reddit notifications.

And that upset you? Shut up, stupid.

It’s the same shit every day you fucking retard

Bitch about it, faggot.

That’s what I did, faggot.

Hope your cat dies

I hope your kids die if you have any. And if you don’t- may your future autistic kids die also

Hope your gay cat gets aids

Alright too far

“Same shit every day” is far more applicable to the J&S Show than it is this sub. Change my mind.

Jim’s on Ants show now with Roger Stone

this sub is garbage and full of pedophiles

Chill out brotherman

Nice completely new thread to bitch about the title of a different thread, stupid.

Hope your gay cat gets aids