FACT: Jim Norton has never been in a relationship with a girl who didn’t have something to gain from it.

1  2018-12-20 by ProfessorChipperson

Aspiring comedians trying to ride his coattails, aspiring radio girls looking for connections in the industry, and HIV+ Vikings in dresses hoping to scam a desperate creep out of virtual currency. He doesn’t just pay to fuck hookers with his money, he pays to fuck regular women with his remaining status and influence. What a 🐛.


He’s also delusional and thinks he gets girls because of his “personality”. Any woman who doesn’t know who he is (waitresses, etc) and cant use him to further their career/bank account utterly ignore him without a second thought

You don’t think chicks are into 5’2” guys in their 50’s who constantly blink their eyes like they’re a hostage, are awkward with their arms, “sober”, annoyingly pine for a rock band that hasn’t been relevant in 40 years and who look like they have AIDS? I don’t know, that’s a tough one, man.

You forgot farts around other people all the time (and horribly at that), takes AIDS medication on top of looking like an AIDS patient, constantly talks about his obsession with trannies and prostitutes, has no hobbies, has no drive, etc

You really tried to make Jim look good there

No man ever has...

Was just going to say that. Show me any man that ever married “up”? Well Triple OG playa Kevin Federline did. But name another

Or a dick