Confirmed. Opie is a fan of this place. Hi Opie

1  2018-12-20 by Dennyislife


What’s the hot tub story?

Bobo's sister getting pimped out to East Side Dave when she was 16.

Davie Mac's a scumfuck?

Mas por favor

East Side Dave makes grand 20 a year, and got cucked by a wedding band singer.

living the dream

Is that purely info from Danny or somewhere more reliable?


Stomping on dreams instead of cakes today.

Your music sucks dick Bobo.

Opie just told a retard his music sucks? What a fucking god amongst men.

It's meant to be of a humorous nature, alwroit?

Bobo's reponse


Oh no, George Michael's mentions are going to blow up now.

I love how he completely ignores Ope's haymaker at the end pointing out the complete hypocrisy that Bobo the retard is pissed that Opie wouldn't play his terrible music, but won't motherfuck Ant for fingering his retarded underage sister's ass right in front of him.

Not to mention the fact that Anthony beat him and sprayed cleaner in his fucking face.

Much love, opster

Let’s all get together and talk shit out one day. We’ve got a road soda with your name on it, brothaman.

Personally, I'd like to hear Bobo tell the hot tub story.

Opie is loving the direction of the sub these days.

That tweet confirms nothing you delusional, self-important faggot.

No your right. He only uses stuff from here by coincidence. He's done it for ages too. But its all coincidental. Sorry.

I like the new direction of Gregg's twitter the last few months- but I don't see the connection to:

"Bobo & the hot tub story" & this place.

Can you elaborate for the dimwitted. Like Nana & Joe - not all of us graduated high school....

This place likes to think that they originated everything in the O&A universe.

So of course Opie obviously heard about what happened at AntH's pool party from Reddit years after the fact and not the studio/office discussion the day after it happened from the people who actually attended.

And the chip/jerky boys connection or the we don't make baby noises here comments. Parallel thinking...

And we are fans of the Brotherman! Three cheers for the Opster!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Hip Hip Hooray!

It's strange seeing people on Twitter still hating on the feels very outdated.

It’s hilarious that he doesn’t realise it will turn on him in a few months

Hot tub story?? Can someone explain ??

Opie is reaching mel gibson proportions in testicle circumference

Dont ask what opie can do for you, ask what you can do for opie.

May no good will reach the kurlans this holiday season

Die, Opie.