Two stupid dagos who got fired from radio because of Twitter

1  2018-12-20 by crookedmile


It's unfair to lower Nick to Nana's level. He's still somewhat funny and he's not a ghoul

He probably gets more views with this free show, too.

He absolutely does, and he's making more from his patreon than compound media as an organisation

Not to be take a shit on nicks big face, but he has like 10 people actively taking part of his patreon shows.

He's a total ghoul, in that he makes the number look like 600, but those are all fake accounts, when you look at the youtube views, it's never more than 100 per show. So he has maybe 70 members half are probably his close friends like Robert Kelly. All in all 30 "people" watch his patron shows. And then if you try to point out shit that doesn't mean he's top dog, he blocks your ass.

The YouTube videos get 1k-5k views last time I checked

That is shockingly low.

Modays and Wednesdays do, but none of those people subscribe to the Tuesdays and Thursdays... It switches to practically no one on the tuesdays and Thursdays that he asks people to pay for him to talk. They all don't care enough to actually support the content they enjoy.

Fair enough I hadn't considered that. Maybe you're right. He's too political for me personally, it gets a bit boring fast but I still like Nick, he was usually great on the show.

Yeah, too bad, he renovated his basement into a Radio studio that is costing him money probably.

Nick rules, you haters drool!!!!!

Nick still has his moments. Just no one cares about his politics. Ant is a pedophile nigger that will die alone.

No, plenty of people do care about his politics, just not whiny liberal faggots like you.


Yep, everyone who doesn't want to hear about politics 24/7 is a libtard. It's funny because an equally insane person from the other side would say the same thing but call him a Nazi.

That's the thing, it isn't anywhere near 24/7, or even half the time, it's just that you cocksucking liberal faggots only seem to hear that when it's mentioned, ignoring everything else he talks about, and then you harp on it for the rest of the day, and then weeks on end, imagining it's nonstop politics, when Anthony moved on from the subject hours and hours ago.

You truly are triggered faggots who want to hear Anthony talk your politics, just not his. You know who Anthony is. Move on and listen to someone else rather than trying to force him to fit your faggot ass agenda. one mentioned Nana. He was talking about Nick.

My comment still applies.

Except it doesn't and nobody cares

No, it does. You faggots scrutinize and obsess over a tiny fraction of what they say because that tiny fraction offends your liberal faggot sensibilities.

You didnt address the part where I said nobody cares about what you have to say.

No, people care, I have plenty of fans here and have been featured in posts before.

  1. Not welcome. Hows my liberalism?

Sounds like it's nonexistent unless you're one of those insane faggots against capitalism. I very much appreciate the Not Welcome, it's from my favorite movie.

No, I was talking about the Reditard loser guy and how an equally insane lefty would have called the guy he replied to a Nazi for not wanting to hear about politics all day.

I resent you calling me a liberal faggot because I'm not a liberal, I'm a commie faggot. Liberals are way too far right for me to agree with.

His politics consist of playing pig noises over Hilary speeches and complaining about mixed race couples in commercials. Nobody under the age of 70 should give a shit about his politics.

No, that's not what they consist of you lying, cartoonishly exaggerating faggot.

Say faggot again, faggot


I liked his sports talk but tried to watch a show a few months ago and he was going hard on politics. I dont listen to political shows so I bailed and never tried again.

Nick is my favorite black comedian

How dare you compare Nick to Anthony. Nick's politics get annoying and I agree with them but he is still hilarious unlike that nigger cumia.

4 4 4 4 4

You gotta be dog-stylin' me.

I read "Two Stupid Dogs". A far more meaningful cultural phenomenon.

I like nick

Nick looks like a zombie from Dawn of the Dead (Romero version).


Both were exceptionally funny men that let their hatred of blacks ruin them. It must be something in the genetics of these ginzos

They overreact with the racism in order to trick us into thinking they are white (Ant, Joe, Nick). Just like how like the loudest homophobes are really closeted homos (Ant, Joe).

I don’t agree with nick at all but the right wing is desperate for a funny conservative. If only right wingers weren’t all stupid and racist

Found the liberal cocksucker.

Case in point. Thanks for helping out

I’m so happy hillary lost.


He probably gets more views with this free show, too.

Say faggot again, faggot


My comment still applies.

No, I was talking about the Reditard loser guy and how an equally insane lefty would have called the guy he replied to a Nazi for not wanting to hear about politics all day.