Danni's Order of Protection Against Nana is Up

1  2018-12-20 by SpaceCaseBassFace

And for some fucking reason, Nana decided to bring this up today. Nobody even knew it was a thing to begin with, and none of us had to know period. Danielle, if you're reading this, do an AMA.


I hope this means he can visit her and give her another beating, for the entertainment of this sub.

he can go to the stress factory now.

And be called a nigger by Michael Richards.

That was the Laugh Factory.

I know that, I was just going for a joke. Thanks for making it accurate.

A 21 year old getting smacked around by a 63 year old would be pretty entertaining

(Lady Di voice) I was 63 when I beat the everliving holy shit out of that girl? No no no no no no I was 53 when I committed assault against a defenseless woman!

Looks like I just torpedoed your entire argument by pointing out a trivial factual inaccuracy, while ignoring your overall point. The Lady Di method of arguing wins again.

If Anthony does this, he’ll finally be listening to his fans.

The Danni incident is the only noteworthy thing to happen to him with the exception of his mother’s passing in the last 3 years... of course he was going to bring it up.

we all knew he had it.


That's creepy. Isn't that evidence enough to get a new order of protection?

Because the best thing to do about someone having a restraining order against you is to literally count down the minutes until it expires, to justify why it exists in the first place you stalker creep fag fuck.

if he was self-aware, doing a count down until your restraining order expires would be comedy gold.

Ha Ha Ha. Holee-shit

Not to be a literal larry, but would that violate a restraining order?

Only if he stops hitting her.

The best part is that he won't do anything about it because he's a faggy dick

I would never have expected a ghoulish cretin to publicly announce his ghoulish endeavors.

Cumias have no shame. I don’t think they are capable of admitting a mistake. It’s fascinating but also common among garbage people.

This is a special endeavour.

Spaceship Endeavurrrrrr

He’s going to get soaked by a lawyer that will try to get his gun rights restored. This will never happen but he will spend 50k trying.


stop trying to humanise her

I'm sure he's already begging her and sending gifts so he can get her boy body back over his muscle man gf just like last time.

Hide yo wife. Hide yo kids

Squeaky Voice is in deep shit now. They’re nothing standing in the way between her and Zweihemden other than the latter is a coward and is constantly drunk.

So dumbass anthony brought this up knowing full well that a Judge would not grant it unless there was grounds to. Fucking Anthony, how did you become so stupid?