Best of 2018: Divine Providence

1  2018-12-20 by crookedmile


Save your kicks for boot scootin’ down at the ranch, you old queer.

Careful friend, you're chastising a full patch member of a biker gang from a fictitious town in a state he wouldn't step foot in

I would gladly post my home address but I'm much more afraid of the people here than I am Joe.

Just give us a name, that's all we are going to say

Joe flip flops on this so much needs to be a count, one proclamation more than once "they will never have any effect on our lives" then shows up on TV saying "they have given me nothing but problems" and scared shit less to even utter the word reddit

He is like the people on the left that won't even type the presidents name. This Joe fella sure rhymes with faggot.

Hitler always claimed Providence saved his life during first World War, nice to know we are in good company

Joe is gay

Devine Providence is actually the name of Joe’s favorite fag bar in Rhode Island. It’s commonly referred to as the Apple Ranch north.

When someone from this sub said they were going to his gig, he immediately dropped the tough guy act and offered to buy him a beer. Fag

Calls black people animals that cant behave, says he would get arrested if he met some people from reddit irl. Joe would of course say, this is different bc they messed with his life. Any one who has ever been in jail says, this was different. Joe's a nigger.

REMINDER: Most of the message board and Paltalk drama could be traced back to Joe's brother.

Telephone Tough Guy!