Jesus H. Christ

1  2018-12-19 by RBuddCumia


He needed the money.

Mo Town. How appropriate.

Marvin Really Gaye

Herbie Suckscock.

Midnight Train to Tranpa's

The Three Tops


The Jackson I didn’t know she was 5

Holy shit is that on the money.

He legit looks like a sesame street puppet

Artie wearing fingerless gloves? Did he run that by Big Jay?

It's what all the cool junkies are wearing these days

Why do these gays take so many pictures of themselves hugging men?

It's so true. Why are they always standing around hugging each other after every show? They all do it. I never see Howard with every guest. They 'talked' for a couple of hours and pose like they just climbed Everest or are on a cruise ship with long lost relatives. I think this is a Jim thing. Just constant validation and evidence with pictures.

Howard's a germaphobe who refuses to touch people.

Probably more a habitual thing after co hosting a show with the Sasquatch on the right of the photo

Dave looks like Brad Pitt standing between those two disasters.

Wtf Nana is wearing a t-shirt that's not Rockstar? What's the world coming to?

Times are tough.

I gotta admit I don't really understand the relationship between Anthony and Artie.

Artie showed him zero respect and fucked up countless shows, but Anthony seems to still like the guy.

It's weird. Either Anthony is spineless, or really does not care about the quality of his show. Or both?

But how would he pull in big gets like Chad Zummock

Once he gets that studio in the city, the big guests will be coming in

Artie is the most athletic looking person in this group somehow.

Artie rocking that 2013 windbreaker look.

I bet Artie’s got some awful long winded story about being too fucked up to lay the over on the Niners in that super bowl that he’s wearing the jacket of involving his bookie and some other scumbag jersey guinea, maybe a hooker.

Luckily for Artie he can't smell the shit smell.

Is this that new Fallout game? Any good?