Opster pulling no punches. Fawkin brutal.

1  2018-12-19 by ISO__JOE


Hay! I agree with Opie on something.

Oof. Every time he goes after the Worm it's the burial at the end of Casino.

Tye eviscerator

Thought the title of this post would be a joke and I actually gasped when I saw the tweet. Jimmy has been sharply inhaling thru his nose for an hour now.

You gasped like a fat girl pulling down Justin Bieber's gym shorts in a wet dream getting ready to ride that poor twink into paste. Oooooh! Opie smash!

Fuuuuuk. The Destroyer claims another victory.

Jim Norton 1968-2018

We can only hope. Too bad you can't od on tranny cock

Stomped Jim like a cake

What do you think brothaman was using for bait all that time he was at the ocean? WORMS

Hahaha I would jizz in my pants if Ope ever used this

He seems to genuinely hate Norton and has no respect for him at all.

It's a beautiful thing.

Who doesn't? Even his parents know what a failure of a worm they've created.

Because, despite how low Anthony has sunk, Opie probably still has some respect for him. Or at least what he used to be. They built something great together.

Jim being a cunt to Opie is fucking unforgivable. The wormy little hack would still be doing open mics if he wasn’t given a career on a silver platter. And now that Anthony’s (lack of) logistical skills is completely obvious, Jimmy owes his career to Opie. Opie looks down his nose at Jimmy, and rightfully so.

Opie and Louis CK, those two situations tell you everything you need to know about that little faggot.

Jimmy contributed some real talent and amazing content to the show. There’s no question about that and you don’t even need to dismiss that here to make your point.

The fact is despite his talent (in the classic show environment - which is clearly non existent outside of it) he was the wormiest and douchiest of them all.

Just look at the disaster that Opie and Jim was... he put zero effort into making it good, just like Jim and Sam. While obviously hating Opie the whole time, with tons of baggage he never openly addressed without acting like a teenage girl.

Meanwhile he acts like he was some successful comedian will skills outside of being a third wheel on a bigger show... which is also a fundamental part of chips character (someone piping in to be annoying) that completely fails as a stand-alone character.

Jim barely did any prep as it is, the main thing Jim contributed was being an in to getting the other comics on. Jim was notorious for sleeping in studio and would go most of the show without even talking, meaning he was probably checking online the same way he does with his cell phone now. Look at the archives, pretty much any comic that took his place as the third wheel usually contributed more than Jim did.

Eh it’s possible other comics could have filled his role like Vos but none of them would have made perfect 3rd wheel characters like Uncle Paul and Boardroom Jim.

He was perfect for that backup colour role. Just nothing requiring his opinions of long term insight.

Basically he was very valuable in a particular role while feigning having talent as a comedian and full time radio host.

Just look at the disaster his Vice show was.

Like I said, you can shit on him all you want but he was very good at that one niche and a shallow boring human being otherwise.

well its a pretty rare niche. also like in terms of effort he clearly was lagging behind Opie and Ant and the other regulars. Jim had been a part of O&A for over a decade, yet you wouldn't think so with how little he contributes. those super quick lines and 3rd wheel stuff was a lot fewer and far between than people probably remember

I agree and in fact this could apply to the whole show. I’ve said this before, but O&A was always lousy. It just skated by with a handful of great moments that legitimately hold up. The thing is, people only remember the good bits and as such look at the show through rose tinted glasses.

He wasn't perfect, dude. Perfect 3rd wheel was someone like Artie Lange before the drugs destroyed him. Jimmy bombed on a lot of jokes, wasn't well read, didn't keep up with current news, and has seen like 5 movies. Artie for all his flaws, was actually a pretty well read guy. You think Jimmy would've made it in the Artie/Jackie chair? I highly doubt it. Jimmy was the least funny of all his cellar buddies. O&A never skipped a beat when Jimmy was on the road and couldn't make it. Toe triggers, AIDS, Budd Dwyer, etc. It got old with him.

Jim barely did any PrEP as it is

Ant actually contributed to the show, Jimmy wasn't there during their rise, only became a third mike right before they got kicked off of the radio for the sex for sam shit. mostly slept in the studio. openly wrote his books and other bits and stuff while doing the show.

harrassed guests and ruined a shitload of interviews because of it. Also Jim rarely started good bits, only road on Ant's coattails.

Jim was in his mid-thirties opening for Andrew Dice Clay, 15 years after Dice had stopped being popular. He's a shock-comic, plain and simple, and if Opie hadn't brought him on, Norton would have the same exact career as Rich Vos, Bobby Collins, or Joe Matarese. He's a fine stand-up, but that's just what he is. Fine. Outside of that, he's got no charm, charisma, acting ability, or any other discernible talents. Even most of the roles that he got on screen were due to him being friends with bigger comics, which he can entirely credit to O&A.

Bobby Collins has had a fine career.

Norton would have the same exact career as Rich Vos,

I think you spelled Vince Champ wrong.

That would be a heck of a typo. Why, the odds on that must be astronomical!

I know, imagine how shocked I was when I discovered it!

Sad part is Vince is still more likeable than Jimmy.

And be remembered for much longer. Imagine that. You've been working as a comic all of your life, you've been on TV, HBO, big hollywood movies, and yet, he will never be more famous than the comic known more for raping than comedy.

Yeah but Rich is actually still respectable, even after all the dick sucking and crack use.

Anthony never pretended to be friends with Opie after their relationship went tits-up. Norton played nice to his face.

I feel sad for his ex Jennifer Carmody, who will have to console him for hours tonight until the Worm cries himself to sleep.

And maybe be there again in the morning for him. So sad!

At this point, Jenny Carms is going to start fucking Opie and brag about it to Jim.

Jim would edge to that.

Passive aggressive response coming in T-minus 2 weeks

A response from chip

Jimmy was minus t-cells.

AIDS joke.

That was actually a good one.

More like T-cells amiwrite?

Did you just parrot the other dudes comment from 4hrs earlier?

Guess so

Parallel docking.

Opie is as gay as Jim and Anthony. Why does it seem that he holds the higher ground?

To think that a two week late passive aggressive jab would have brought the house down a year ago. We were such fools

Opie better watch his back. Chip Chipperson is going to post a scathing tweet in three weeks.

And Bobo will follow up in seventeen years.

Can't wait for the hacky prop comic's vague passive aggressive response when he comes up with it in a month.

After Christmas when he has two maraschino cherries and relapses.

Jim has to workshop his diss tweets first with Kelsey Cook and Jen Carmody. Just needs to make sure and punch them up a little.

The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence.

Big boy got the big bat tah-day

This is why the opster got top billing and the faggot anthony got second

The Opster requires a solo title card above-the-line and 125% larger font than second-billed. Book it, fucko.

Remember when the Russians caught up to Alonzo in Training Day? This is just like that.

It would be like that but Jimmy hasn't seen that movie (but heard it was good. Genuinely).

he really did bury that literal cocksucker

Droppin hammers! 🔥

Finish him!



Brevity is the soul of wit; he only needed 3 words.


Holy shit.

If I had a nickle for every time Opie made me laugh or entertain me I would have zero nickles.

Save up some nickels for a length of rope and a chair

The Brotherman flows through you

gregg "opie" hughes is an active pedophile that collects the feces of children ages 5 and under. he then masturbates while inhaling the aroma of said feces.

his korean bots are trying to bury this information.

Try harder, faggot.

get cancer, faggot.

Good one, faggot.

where do these usernames come from

lol fuck.

Highroad Hughes gots bigger fish to fry...

The Destroyer giveth, but mostly taketh away.

Remember when Jim kept saying he really wanted to "go" and was only waiting for Opie to start shit before he unleashed? Where you at, fag in a wig?

There's seriously no way to come back now.


High Road Hughes has been putting on a clinic for months. The man can’t stop winning.

That's one of the most legitimately funny things I can remember coming from the Opster.

Twitter commenter Tim Gallagan eats shit.

Opie is the greatest heel turn in O&A sub history. Kuhn would have to become a Visio soundbar deliveryman to preschools to top the destroyer.

Just fucking kill yourself, Norton. It's your last chance to be relevant for 5 minutes. Faggot.

It's not an insult calling a faggot faggot. Like making fun of Ant for being a oedo rapist. It's a point of pride.

Okay, faggot.

Chip has a much bigger audience. Its all about da numbahs brotherman!

Opie always wins

Do Opie and Jim still live in the same building or no?

niggas will always be sheep here

Whatta Ya Got Got The Show!!!???

This is about the 100th unanswered haymaker that The Destroyer has connected with, and so far Jim has done nothing but hide behind his retarded baby noise character because he is a total pussy, while Ant has resorted to doing nothing but repeat the same "He was mean to my girlfriend" rhetoric because he knows that Opie is ready to nuke him with behind-the-scenes damning info regarding Ant's racism and pedophilia.

Guess so