Boo Fucking Hoo, Twitter is doing nothing about all the trolls

1  2018-12-19 by Horse-Puppies


Stop using it then. Stupid twat.

Why is she talking? Shouldn’t she be shooting ping pong balls out of her twat in some brothel in Manila?

Ching chang! Ching chang chong!

greasy chink

Did Joe Cumia take a pan to her face?

fuck that lacist chink.

As far as I'm concerned, you're an ugly dink bitch who made her own bed.

At some point they should just take a flamethrower to all those look-at-me sites.

thanks for the article that is a secondhand account of some retard's tweets, you fucking stupid faggot

god asians have it so hard in the USA! I really feel bad for them. I really do. I genuinely do. Fuck chinks and fuck gooks.

She sounds like an out of tune guitar.

Twitter is already a Place of misery cause of all the whiny, narcissistic, faggy, smelly third world camel moulies, lazy illegal wetbacks, liberal douches, flat faced chinky gooks, attention seeking niggers, and white guilt having pieces of shit that pretty much took over and ran that site just so they can tell everyone how they should think. Bitch should proud of the position she’s just cause of stupid race and equal opportunity employers, Go fuck yourself

"what her critics said was racism about white people."

Do you think if someone said something critical about black people, they would cushion the introductory sentence like that?

Twitter too beaucoup.

Its fascinating when an Asian takes on the persona of marxist heeb