Who is the stupidest person in the current O&A universe?

1  2018-12-19 by GangstaFag

I’d say Joe Cumia has to be #1.


Brother Joe hands down. Dumber than Bobo.

Yes but more entertaining than Anthony at this point.

Brother Joe is the only correct answer here.

The guy who pays Joe Cumia

Anthony. If he didn't tweet he had a massive contract for little effort.


The five bottles of cheap chianti that (partly) made Joe Cumiá.

Nana has been guilted into paying Brother Joe money for doing basically nothing. So if Brother Joe is an idiot but Nana is being manipulated by an idiot doesn't that make Anfernee the bigger idiot?

Not necessarily. Ants fear of confrontation is what keeps him from addressing the Joe situation, not stupidity. He knows how fucking stupid it is to keep paying Joe, hes just too chicken shit to bring it up.

Fair point.

Which is far worse. Imagine paying someone $60,000 that they have no right to every single year for two decades because you're too scared to have a single conversation telling them they can't just have your money. A senior fucking citizen, getting an allowance from his younger brother. Absolutely despicable.

Management. Re-signed Jim and Sam

Joseph Cumia is the supernova of cosmic retardation

Wouldnt he be superseeded by a black hole, stupid?

Good point, although African-American hole is more accurate

Cmon guys, leave sams seed outta this

Agree on Brother Joe. I think he is one of the dumbest humans alive, and he proves it daily. I don’t think he has ever had a victory on social media, and yet he thinks his every day is full of victory. He is endlessly entertaining, and I don’t ever want him to go away.

He has had one victory and made that clear when Qadan became a human cannonball.

There is nobody in the whole entire Universe as it is known to man that is dumber, stupider, or more retarded than Joe Cumia. He’s so dumb that it actually gives me anxiety that some people are that big of morons.

The fact that he is a father is chilling.

Father of 4. "Raising" his children on the allowance of a pedophile. They just have no shot and being anything but scum.

Does Mary Jean count?

Not nearly as dumb as Joe

The one who didn't graduate high school.

Joe is not only the stupidest but probably the worst overall. Think about that. Joe is the worst in a group that has a woman beating child groomer, a disloyal worm with aids who deludes himself into dating nordic men and big A.

Joe Cumia is the Alabama Crimson Tide of stupidity. Every once in a while somebody has a glorious moment and surpasses him but he will undoubtedly return to form and reclaim the #1 spot.

Joe might be the dumbest person in the world who isn't dumb by way of some sort of infirmity. Bobo is dumb but he's that way because he's got some sort of form of mild retardation. Joe is dumb because he comes from garbage pieces of shit for parents. Being a drunk petty criminal and a drunk barfly whore was more important to Joe Sr. and Roe. More important than making sure their children didn't grow up to be the painfully ignorant and hypocritical high school dropout retards that Joe and Anthony became.

joe all day

I'd say Jobless Joey C number 1.