Best insults on O&A , TACS,O&J AND S&J

1  2018-12-19 by bigscotswill

Omission of the Opie show orPodcast is deliberate, unless its something by Vos , ill consider it.


What was said,Who said it,and who did they say it to? AND if you have a link, throw it in.


Ok, go do your thing,

Let chaos unfold





I got one. You're a faggot.

of course I am

Shut the fuck up

your mother

Your presence is more insulting to us than any of that.

coming from this guy who thinks trolling people here with opie brotherman shit he dosent even believe in

shut the fuck up rock throwing glass house pansy

with your gay ass screenname

Is this your post or something? You seem way too bothered by what bawbag #2 said.


Aw, you noticed me. How sweet.

Go back into hibernation, you faggot Chip fan.

Tss tss, Hibernating, what about Lowbernating or somethin'? DOUUBLE GUNNS COCKSUCKAH! TSS

OP is a gay nigger.

Shit, OP is getting beaten up so badly he looks like Deniro at the end of Raging Bull.

He looks like Henry Fonda's blueberries with a toe trigger shotgun full of AAAIIIIDDDSSSSS

no he should be raped by them, forever

You're gonna moderate your own thread?

Mad respect.

nah, let the chaos unfold, like throwing rabid hungry rats in a bag , seeing who comes out on top


The Worm - "I'm shooting something this weekend..."

Colin Quinn - "Yourself I hope"

The best one I ever heard was "nice shirt, stupid"

a classic


Oh man, so many great lines to come out of Jim & Sam, it's hard to choose. I like "So jim is this thing a thing?" "Oh no i don't think so" "so u think thing isnt thing heheheheh wwe diva paige come in later today"

got a niggas ribs hurtin today...

Everyone in this thread either has Aids or deserves to get it.



Nice post, stupid

Nice reply, dummy

got a niggas ribs hurtin today...