If you're a man and you've ever cared about an award show, congratulations: you're a faggot.

1  2018-12-19 by NeerDoWell19


One thing I definitely don't miss about the O&A show was their excruciatingly long coverage of who gives a shit pop culture events. And they would bash the people involved, yet would still be talking about it for an hour. Grown men weighing in on the MTV Music Awards and American Idol. Gross.

"We got Patrice in studio killing it today as usual and he had something he wanted to talk about but first we have to talk about what happened to Sanjaya last night on American Idol - Erock, you got that?"

Stern did it, you know Opie had too also.

Stern is the reason Sanjaya got so far, the last Idol they obsessed over was when they were voting for the worst. Great Eric the Actor moments too.

I think the charm was Stern isn't Weenie and The Butt. I mean, why would O&A talk about any award show?

Anthony was quite the singer in his time Mr. Summers.

Patrice had a whole thing about wanting to fuck that poo in the loo

Opie had to get in his yelling annoyed voice that he thought made him sound tough.

What the fawk! Seriously, what the fawk!

Oh you wanna go THERE!? You wanna GO THERE!?

you're not wrong but there was one clip about the oscars i think, taking the piss out of ryan seacrest and al gore, think louis was there too, which was funny

What about the Tony Awards? I look forward to them all season!

Actually that's the only one that's ok.

Phew. I just can't resist a good song and dance number!

No red blooded American can

The Tony 2 shirt awards are better

The Academy Awards is a self-congratulatory circle-jerk of Jews giving statues to other Jews and their shabbos goy pets for putting out the make-believe scenario that best illustrates their agenda. They will fellate themselves over how morally superior they are to the average person in "flyover country" and bash the Catholic Church for protecting pedophiles, when they themselves give awards to kid touchers like Roman Polanski and try their best to sweep their own seedy activities under the rug. (But he made a movie about muh holocaust so I guess it's ok)

Perfect example: director Amy Berg put out a documentary called Deliver Us From Evil about the pedo scandal in the Church that gets nominated for an Oscar and rave reviews. But when she came out with An Open Secret about the same thing happening in Hollywood, suddenly the acclaim disappears. Gee I wonder why? Hypocritical fucks.

A relatively minor issue with this, Archie Bunker's most traditionally masculine friend turned out to be gay, way before the Cheers example given.

They're just rough examples. Like the Drew Carey show had him being gay married and there was an entire sitcom based on gays Will & Grace not mentioned. The slope remains the same. It all creeps in slowly until next thing you know it's okay to fuck children and animals.

You deserve an award for telling it like it is!

Only gay art house movies win anymore. I still can't believe the Jews let American Sniper even get nominated a few years ago.

I can. It lionizes a guy who took part in the disastrous neoconservative Iraq War, which even Israeli news sources admit was concoted by Jews.

https://www.haaretz.com/1.4764706 http://www.culturewars.com/2010/Cabal.html

You link the most one-sided articles. Those three you posted about the Russian Mafia in another post were equally bad.

I get it, you don't like Jews. But Jesus dude, how about some credible sources?

Do you really think global reaseach.ca is legit? Get the fuck out of here.

Nice ad hominem with no substance. I have a feeling the co-author of that article, Israel Shahak, knows a bit more about that topic than you and your flailing emotional response.


All you did was say the sources are biased without citing a single instance where they were wrong. Either do so, or shut your face.

Hmmm.. ad hominem.. I feel like I've seen you before and posting on a different account.. anyways, your manifesto about Award shows up there, isn't anything I haven't been hearing since I was like 5.

You also feel like blowing dudes in rest areas, doesn't make you right. Nice Florentine impression, stupid.

Excuse me but you're just deflecting and projecting, please try again by responding to the points presented. Thank you.

Ok, let me know when some actually get made. So far I presented info and was met with "Durr that's one sided," without the points being refuted, conceding the argument. Then you made an appeal to mockery, but again didn't address the info so I responded in kind. Good day, sir.

Yeah, your account is 14 days old. You get embarrassed or harassed to the point where you need to start fresh instead of properly discussing your opinions like an adult.

Only one sodomite uses "ad hominem" like it's some finishing move in Mortal Kombat. Sorry bud, you just need a better gimmick.


Oh that's weird, you said, like the little worm you are, "Good day, sir" but apparently you slithered back for more mud.

Shut my face? Okay Jimmy.

Try to put more thought into what you post to back up your point of view. Globalresearch.ca isn't it.

The way you argue though, accusing me of having a "flailing emotional response"? That reminds me of how a woman argues. Just because you post shit sources, does not mean I'm as angry as defensive as you seem to be.

You're a woman as far as I'm concerned.

American Sniper fucking sucked dude

Hacksaw Ridge being nominated was more surprising (despite being a much better movie), especially since Mel was nominated for Best Director.

I think I cared about the MTV music video awards in high school. I don't recall caring since

Slammys, motherfucker.

I swear to god as I get older they're holding them all every four months. there's no way they didn't JUST do the fucking grammys.

I don’t even show up to shit I’m nominated for. George C Scott had it right. It’s a bunch of self congratulatory bullshit without a foundation as far as criteria goes. No, if I were nominated for an Oscar, watch how fast I’m a hypocrite and show up in a tux.

Ok, let me know when some actually get made. So far I presented info and was met with "Durr that's one sided," without the points being refuted, conceding the argument. Then you made an appeal to mockery, but again didn't address the info so I responded in kind. Good day, sir.

Yeah, your account is 14 days old. You get embarrassed or harassed to the point where you need to start fresh instead of properly discussing your opinions like an adult.

Only one sodomite uses "ad hominem" like it's some finishing move in Mortal Kombat. Sorry bud, you just need a better gimmick.