It looks like Walt Shitman learned a new word.

1  2018-12-19 by RBuddCumia


Does this guy ever just have a stupid thought, and not post about it on the internet?

He really thinks he’s a brilliant essayist like Orwell.

Essays and Aphorisms by Joseph Cumia

Nineteen Eiighty Bore

Homage to Brotherloania

Child Spit Farm

Big Brother is Watching and Loaning

It stands to reason that he must, occasionally. Every single one of his thoughts is stupid, and while he clearly doesn’t have thoughts that often, he probably has one or two that escape him before he can share his idiocy with the world.

He heard someone say, "You suck cock voraciously", and Joe said "Mommom maa meem?" and here we are.

Why old people think anyone gives a shit what they do with their free time, to the point they need to write an essay in the internet about it, is beyond me. Not to mention Joe writes like he’s competing for the Nobel prize in autistic/retard literature.

Really? I think "10's of 1000's" is the exact same way Mark Twain would have written it.

Nigger Jim > Nigger Joe

Nice lose grip on the functionality of commas, stupid.

Nice loose, stupid.

Thanks, what a retard this jerk off is.

You stupid fuck I used parenthetical commas very appropriately. Joe Cumia level of retard right here.

Joe Cumia

That's the worst thing you can call a man

When you don’t have a day job you have to fill up your spare time with something.

this guy is always addressing shit that nobody's asked.

No, he's not a pedophile.

Charles Dickinhims

Albert Cumpoo

F. Scott Fitzingerald

Charles Heminggay

Gaymes Joyce

Dan Brown

Edgar Allen Dope

Sure, Joe. You and Pete Townshend just like to do research.

Says the dude who probably believed Pizza Gate.

Is that where we decided Anthony's face looks like a slice of pepperoni pizza behind a chain link gate?

He totally bought into the flat earth thing. This is a post to cope with his embarrassment of being so gullible

The only people who comment on the collective stupidity of mankind are ALWAYS, without fail, the most glaring examples of stupidity.

The world is full of idiots, except for me, of course.

I have always said this. The guy or gal always calling everyone else stupid always seem the be the stupidest people I know.

I have a friend like this, constantly posting shit on FB about how dumb Americans are or some shit, meanwhile he's a high school dropout who can barely spell. I wish being an idiot caused physical pain.

I have a similar friend who dropped out of high school, barely got his GED and works unsteady manual labor jobs who suddenly thought he was a brilliant political analyst during the 2016 election. Part of the reason I deleted my facebook account.

It’s like guys who complain about traffic while they’re sitting in traffic, not realizing they are also part of the problem.

If Joe believes earth is round then there might actually be something to this flat earth thing.

Brother Thesaurus continues to provide us with material

You stupid fuck I used parenthetical commas very appropriately, retard.

The only reason to go to college these days is to avoid the crippling inferiority complex people like joe have

very few people actually believe in flat earth, it's a meme at this point that people ride for attention and youtube views. Joe is falling for it as usual.

Everything on the internet regarding fat girth

Looking forward to Brother Joe's upcoming novel "Faster Than The Speed of Love"

Why do stupid people type out "I repeat". I'm not going to mishear something I'm reading, you asshole.

Child Spit Farm