Patrice's nightmare scenario come true

1  2018-12-19 by SuperToes845


"The results indicated that Bass’ DNA was a one-in-11-quadrillion match to the DNA recovered from the crime scene."

Nice journalism, stupid.

Pretty interesting that the judge effectively ruled in favor of vigilantism.

Seriously 'vigilantism' a lady obtaining some garbage that has probably proven this guy was a rapist and a murderer?

By the judge's definition. He effectively said 'this is a police action but since a cop didn't do it, it's admissible.' Obviously it's not as cool as Batman but still legally significant.

I wouldn’t agree with the judge’s rationale so much as I would say trash is public domain.

M. needs to weigh in on this.

I'll plug in the spotlight, you man the wheel. It's cloudy tonight. I just hope he sees it in time.

It's a joke. These judges all just want to be celebrities. Remember that soap opera the Larry Nassar judge made after the guilty ruling? She made the whole thing about herself. There is absolutely no way that can of Coke and cup should be submitted as evidence. But this is the era we are living in. One-in-11-quadrillion match. LMFAO. Fucking joke.

Best keep those receipts

Next up: Uxoricide by rock coat.

So the 4th amendment doesn't matter as long as a not police officer does it?

We all KNOW the 4TH AMENDMENT protects the 3rd amendment which PROTECTS the SECOND AMENDMENT, the MOST important amendment! sososososososo

Although Greenwood had hidden the trash from view by putting it in opaque plastic bags and expected it to be on the street only a short time before it would be taken to the dump, the Court believed it to be “common knowledge” that garbage at the side of the street is “readily accessible to animals, children, scavengers, snoops, and other members of the public.”

I couldn't find much about personal refuse though. Pretty interesting. Funnily enough they reference this decision in The Burbs when the neighbours are going through the Klopeck's trash.

Although Greenwood had hidden the trash from view by putting it in opaque plastic bags and expected it to be on the street only a short time before it would be taken to the dump, the Court believed it to be “common knowledge” that garbage at the side of the street is “readily accessible to animals, children, scavengers, snoops, and other members of the public.”

I couldn't find much about personal refuse though. Pretty interesting. Funnily enough they reference this decision in The Burbs when the neighbours are going through the Klopeck's trash.

It's insane how many serial killers are from now Washington. Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, this dude...

The good news: Seattle has lots of jobs and the two wealthiest men in the world

The bad news: The weather makes you insane

Yeah it's weird, it's always Washington or Florida

The egg on this guy's face when he realizes he shouldn't have picked up that littered coke can and thrown it out

I thought Patrice’s Nightmare situation came through when he ate himself into a coma then died without the ability to speak.