Kind of sorta not show related but the AVGN stuff with Culkin has been kind of cool.

1  2018-12-19 by literalotherkin


cringe. remember when he was a starving long haired faggot homo eating pizza for money and then throwing it up?

It is show-related. AVGN has the only WOW sticker I've ever seen.

I lived in NYC from 1992 to 2003.

Wasn't one on a garbage truck in The Sopranos?

Yeah they actually talked about it on the show too hence the 'kinda sorta'.

AVGN did a short-lived call-in show, too, where Danny Ross was the producer.

Cool. Never knew that.

what struck me was that Culkin knows like every single obscure Hollywood actor from the 90's he literally hang out with everyone it seems.

I love it too how there's all these games based on his movies he's never heard of.

*got fucked by

Why is he in everything lately? Does have some cult he's promoting?

Good question. He looks looks like he's cleaned himself up. Fuck maybe he wants to get back into acting or finally pen that memoir that about his experiences with Hollywood Pedophilia.

On Red Letter Media he was wearing a t-shirt that said "Pizza Slut".

And of course what was Kevin's favourite food in Home Alone: Cheese Pizza.

He's in a band with Pizza as the name

he seems alright tbh, keep hearing about him being molested but can't find anything about it, spoon feed me?

No molestation as far as I can tell, unless Jackson did him dirty after all. Just rumors I think, but his dad was physically abusive

after mj died he came out and said he never fucked about with him, so just rumours you reckon?

his dad was physically abusive

ahh who's wasn't, still good to see him off the drugs

MJ was actually using his influence to protect kids from the (((real predators))) and they tried to destroy him for it.

the story is someone tried it, and tried to scare him about saying they make shoes with baby's skin or something.

This guy makes me laugh more than I care to admit. I used to watch him back in the old YouTube days and was a fan. I tried watching recently and was still chuckling and laughing

His junkie/club kid 'artist' phase kind of sucked but I'd hang with this guy. He's got that annoying thing though -- and there was always a kid like this when I'd go to school -- of just compulsively laughing after he speaks. That has to go.

...and the laugh is terrible.

HAHA Holy shit!

3rd mic?

I was poor so i only had super Mario brothers 1 on nes until my mom's boyfriend took me to kmart and stuffed Mario 2, which sucked, excitebike, and double Dragon down the back of my pants. I loved that guy. He got locked up 2 years later for the attempted murder of a peace office. The officer was paralyzed from the neck down. Idk if he's still alive but i doubt it

Oh wow. (Mario 2 did suck BTW.) You never tried to get in touch with him?

I don't even remember his last name but i don't think I'd try contacting him either way