Joe Rogan is just Oprah for men

1  2018-12-19 by Single_Action_Army

I read that today and I agree with it. Change my mind.


For such an alleged tough guy he sure wimped out in his gay ass interview with Anthony.

He wimps out on literally every single belief he has except when Cuckold Crowder talks about weed.

Can you blame Rogan? Weed and greased up men are his two passions.

I think his strategy is to be non confrontational so his guest gets the entirety of their opinions out but Crowder is just intolerable. What's the title of the video he put up in a feeble attempt to manufacture his own Bill Burr moment? COMEDIAN OWNS LIBTARD SJWS WITH LOGIC AND FACTS. While he's just on stage screaming like Dane Cook on Mollie.

Don't think you know what Molly is or does...

I don't think you do.

Molly brings you in. Dane Cook was into coke, which brings you out.

You must have gotten some bunk shit.

I wanted to rub and hug and touch everything. Not pace around in a frenetic, sweaty frenzy. I obviously did it wrong based on the feedback.

No you did it right most people who dance all night would've danced all night anyway even without molly and the few that wouldn't had lots of amphetamines in their cut.

If you're not a dancer molly won't magically turn you into one, better to chill on the couch than force yourself to get on the dancefloor for other people.

Where the hell are you getting Mollie that you can chill on the couch after doing it?

to be fair , he did get little mad at look-into-it eddie bravo when he mentioned dead kids in sandy hook were faked

Anthony's interview was embarrassing, he just sat there talking about playing video games... and this coming from someone who plays video games.

Well hr has literally nothing else going on

Rogan is Oprah for men, That was a top comment on one of his videos my lovely jre watcher.

No lie I feel this sub could do an Amy Schumer like hit if you called Rogan's credibility for not bringing up any accusations or anything against Ant.

People would have to give a shit about Anthony first.

he sure wimped out in his gay ass interview with Anthony.

I still do not understand why anyone thought the Rogan interview was going to go any other way.

Joe didn't "wimp out"- he simply is not that type of interviewer. Calling him "Oprah for men" is actually pretty accurate.

Joe Rogan is not an investigative journalist. He's not old Howard Stern who would up embarrassing things just for the shock value. Going on Rogan is not going on Meet The Press, Tim Russert, or 60 minutes. Hell even Bennington asks more probing questions in his interviews.

The minute Joe starts ambushing his guests is the minute he stops getting guests. You go on Rogan to smoke pot and talk to a meathead to make yourself look smart in front of a huge audience. I'm almost positive that Joe and AntH put together a list of safe topics before that show- there was absolutely zero chance anything uncomfortable was going to be discussed.

This is the answer.

“Joe just don’t even say the word egg, okay?”

Bert Kreisher even brought up Reddit in their "Bertcast" a couple weeks ago. Only problem was once Anthony got into it, Bert kept fucking interrupting him to talk about himself. Fuck, Bert just sucks.

I used to like Burt, I was stupidly into his antics and ‘comedy’.

After some thinking and looking, I can honestly say I’ve never 180’d on someone this fast.

He has absolutely nothing of interest to say, he brings any conversation to a screeching halt. Just to talk about his family or how much he drinks or eats. That’s how much this guy has to offer.

I watched him and Bill Burr drive around LA for some sponsored ad. It was fucking horrendous. We get to hear Bill chastise Burt for acting like a 8 year old kid with aspergers demanding a wet nap for his degenerate, neanderthal hands.

I’ve lost all respect for these individuals. Not that it hasn’t been degrading for years, it has. I’ve had enough of Burt though. You slovenly sack of shit. I could coast through life too if I had rich parents and a lack of any self respect. You don’t even try though, your schtick is that you’re a fat asshole that’s unhealthy, is an alcoholic, likes to party, and has a wife and kids.

Enough, we get it. Die already you fat prick.

No wonder your dad doesn’t like you.

He has to compensate because he knows he isn't as talented as his peers. And I think he knows it in his heart and it still crushes him. I was never into him. But he seemed harmless for the most part. But he has cranked up the douche dial to an 11 the last year or so. He talks non-stop about himself, always downplays his drinking, and sucks every comedian's ass. How many times do we have to hear how him and Jay Mohr are cool again? BERT, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT JAY MOHR. You fucking hack.


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In 20 years a lot of male masseuses will be coming out with stories. God bless those brave thinks

Al Gore is going to look positively chaste when it comes to massage creepiness when Joe Rogan's faggotry is exposed.

Images that blow Joe Rogan's mind:


wait i thought Joe was the twink in this scenario. and well all scenarios really

Correct but Rogan is after the 15-25 male demographic, he’s mostly a gay pedophile.

No wonder him and Ant get along

I just saw some British professor explain Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem on JRE. Dunno if that's a common topic on Oprah, to be fair.

Anyways, I'm sure that went over Joe's head.

Its entirely possible.

The only reason Joe has those guests is so he can name drop them during other podcasts to intellectually strong arm people.

Everything goes over Rogan's head.

He's a shrimp, you see.

Who’s taller Rogan or the worm ?

Probably Rogan because he doesn't hunch over like Jimmy in that Brooke Shields photo

Your first two sentences went over mine

Godel's Incompleteness Theorem

It probably was a quack pseudo-scientist/moralist mischaracterizing it (pretty much every scientist Rogan has on his show is either a divulgator or a quack, I can think of no exception). That theorem is their bread and butter

It was an Oxford math prof, I think. The explanation seemed right, albeit obviously a bit of a simplification.

He's Ope-BRO.

Fuck... I just made this comment and scrolled up hoping no one had made the same comment. I’m a faggot.

We welcome you with open arms

and anuses

pause "Ha-ha-haaa!" trailer music cuts back in

His change of opinion on things is his major problem... moon landings and several other issues. He sat and pontificate for countless hours on things, then just a passing mention of.. Ah, I think theres somethin theres but.... Neil Degrasse Tyson got a good ball washing, with his new perception.

Joe Rogan, NEGRO WOMAN, from the south.


his show is perfect for guys who think they’re Tyler Durden.

The twist is a midget is buttfucking them.

You ever been buttfucked by a midget...on shrooooms?

Jamie, pull me out...

Vurry good

I have a lot of physically unimpressive, unmotivated friends who all love Rogan. He's easy to idolize when you're a lazy, less than average retard with large aspirations.

But if you add "for men" after something that automatically means it isnt shit

Seinfeld is Friends for men

Physical fighting is verbal tormenting for men


You just presumed it was an insult when you heard it because you read the word "oprah"

This dude isn't a real dude. Real dudes like us, we like to play fantasy football and drink beer and look at naked ladies and eat piles of protein and potatoes and fart.


Make a funny pic and start a meme

Very true and very gay.

Oprah is famous for appealing to women because she has dumbass self help con artists and feel-good shitheads on.

As fun as it is to make fun of Rogan, he frequently has brilliant scientists, controversial comedians, and challenging thought leaders on.

So yeah Rogan is the Oprah of men but its cause he has really fascinating people on to talk for extended periods of time, both of which your average woman cannot handle.

Boo. Go take some more Alpha Brain TM til you can take a joke

Change My Mind isn't a joke faggot.

Joe has self-help con artists and feel-good shitheads on more often than not

So you're saying he's extremely close to Oprah? This is a thing you really believe?

sosososososososososo youre saying that by WATCHING Oprah it makes you believe in Rogan?

he gets some wonderful guests though. it can basically be "this american life" for young men but still like Miscavegaise's dad and the dude who was kidnapped by Somali pirates for four years, I appreciate those uploads. Stanhope is always a home run but not better than his Howard appearances. Jake the Snake ruled too and I don't even watch wrestling, just an interesting fellow. Joe's got some cool mob story people too and those I always enjoyed. Ron White was never funnier than on his show, wouldn't buy his stuff but I like him a lot.

Oh and like the dude that actually wrote Fight Club was pretty great. I never would have known who he was if not for that.

I guess I'm pretty gay then.

Chuck Pahlaniuk is a very openly gay man and that's why Fight Club has so many gay overtones and appeals to so many closet fags.

It's also why he hangs out with Jack Donovan and his greased up tribe of leather vest wearing anuslickers.

-1 for "wonderful". What a vaginal word.

I do the best I can with the resources available

What does that make Howard Stern?

A twisted old fruit.

Make Ellen Degeneres

That’s Ellen

Stern was 30x the interviewer Rogan is. He should've retired years ago, because his interviews put me to fucking bed now. But he was good at getting his guests to talk about things they usually wouldn't get into. Unless it's about weed, hunting, fitness, UFC, or elk meat, Rogan shows a noticeable lack of knowledge on a lot of topics. Stern's bread and butter was celebrities and porn stars. But he could make great radio with sports stars, wrestlers, comedians, street performers, etc. Stern was also pretty sharp. I don't how many times I have seen Rogan tell a comedian to explain the joke they just said. Joe is the kind of smart person that reads a bunch of articles, and thinks he has it down pat.

Clever meme you stole fruit basket, your daddy had doofus cum and your momma had water eggs

and you get the DMT and you get the DMT and you get DMT

You forgot to mention Jiu Jitsu. You would think he came up with it with the fact that he has to mention it on every podcast he does.

The Wire is like Law and Order SVU for men. Yes, women are vapid...

How original

stolen from a youtube comment fag

I always said Joe Rogan was a stupid person's idea of a smart person, until Dave Foley's cunt ex-wife stole that phrase to describe Jordan Peterson.

Oprah and Joe are both credulous idiots and good interviewers though so there's that.

Joe Rogan is a stupid person's regular person. The kind of people who don't understand anything but have a "BS detector"

Huh, always thought Dave Foley was gay with Scott Thompson, never thought to Google him or TKitH in general.

Jordan Peterson is an expert in substance abuse who hates his own profession... perfect poster child for those people.

He's a self-hater who promotes the dismantling of his own field. It's kinda cute actually.

The JRE with Dave Foley where he talks about his divorce is pretty interesting and sad actually, his cunt bitch ex wife got her alimony and child support assessed based on his highest-earning years ever so he can't afford it obviously, so he can't go back to Canada. His ex, by the way, is an ultra feminist reporter who writes for the "isn't it hard to be a woman?" section of the Globe and Mail (a national Canadian newspaper)

He’s Op-Bro.... ahaha!

Came here for a Change my mind found it

Rogan just had Roger Penrose on, do not compare him to Oprah. He also does not have a hollering audience to reach to everything, it changes everything.

He's Op-Bro. HE HA

I’d never heard of Oprah until I looked it up just now. Yeah they are pretty similar except Oprah Winfried is much more successful. I’m not knocking joe, but that bitch is very wealthy according to celebritynetworth.

Winfrey not windfried

Winfried is how Oprah likes her chicken.

There's no annoying live audience and Rogan is only part nigger

He ain't no O. Her show has a live audience, they receive gifts and she make them laugh.

Hot take

Make a funny pic and start a meme