When you love gambling so much that you start to morph into the Ace of Spades.

1  2018-12-18 by GorramTimebomb


Wanna bet?

Too Fat ToFish

Too Flat To Sniff


Is this altered or is that staph infection postules?

Michael Crackson

Stu Ungar tribute nose

Stu at least somehow got his nostrils cut out or shortnened. Artie is just gonna let that thing fall off

That’s the way I like it baby, I don’t wanna breathe forever.

If you like to gamble, Ang U ain't the man.

Who the fuck is Ang? Is there any more references to Ang besides that tweet?

His drug dealer and there was a video of him verbally fighting with a colored fellow if I'm remembering correctly was Ang.

Artie said in some other tweet that Ang was his dealer's body guard or muscle or whatever and blamed his nose being fucked on Ang punching him in the nose when Artie didn't have a septum.

I'm high and read that in Lemmy's voice in the song, you got me good

Its just a noseslide

You changed the lyric to something that has the exact same meaning. Seems unnecessary.

Why doesn't he pay someone $10 to make a plastic cover for that nose - even just commiting to wearing a red clown nose all day would look better.

Or just permanently wear a grouch marx glasses get up - anything to cover that nose!

Nice Groucho, stupid.

"FUCK GROUCHO!!!" - Sheriff Wydell

He should wear a nose patch like a pirate wears an eyepatch.

on his eye?

You're always two steps ahead sockcucka.

I can't be the only one who sees a dog's head on his nose.

Do not ever post a close up of his nose here again. Do you understand me? I was literally getting ready to eat.

Same with that infamous bellybutton... Disgusting shit

I was about to clean up cat shit but now I’m too grossed out.

He should ask yucko for one of those clown noses.

When Yucko isn’t too busy making the absolute worst cartoons ever made that is.

On the plus side it looks significantly wider so he can probably snort bigger lines. Crazy like a fox.

Twatto? That you?

Artie should wear a metal nose tied around his head with a string like Lee Marvin in the 1965 comedy western "Cat Ballou."

*Space of Aids

ah christ on the cross... if I was him I probably wouldn't get clean either man imagine the regrets and shit this guy lives with everyday, he fucked up a job on the biggest radio show in the history of radio, then fucked up having his own radio show. He fucked up basically everything in his career including his own fucking face and body

he really should('ve) smoke not snort, teeth are easier to fix than noses

Honestly, he just needs one more chance.

"Zshat wush zu shound of a tool chesht, falling down zshe shtairs... I'll shay zshat again... "

I know dudes who have snorted dope for decades and their noses don't look anything like this... This dude looks like someone beat him in the face repeatedly with a ball peen hammer

He perpetually looks like he's got a stocking over his face like a thief in the 40's

When you do so much coke that your nose looks like a fucking chode